Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Another chapter, my lovely cookies! Warning, extreme fluff! And some talk about cutting. Enjoy! ;D

Julia drags me into a large group of people and immediately begins a conversation. I simply stand there, not really seeing or hearing them. The accusing voices begin again. I know they're right, but I can't stand listening to them. I try to block them out, with little success.

It take me a while to realize Julia is pulling on my sleeve and calling my name. I don't want to socialize, so I ignore her. Her tugging becomes violent and I can no longer ignore it.

"What," I growl, irritated.

"Jaxon, look!" She points at something behind me. I turn around, expecting something stupid. What I don't expect is a person limping inside. It takes a second for me to recognize Devon through all the dirt and blood marring his face.

Instantly, the cloud over my soul lifts a fraction. Once the shock of seeing him wears off, I run to him. Even though he's injured, Devon catches me with barely a stumble. Our lips connect as our bodies crash together, my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. I don't even notice I'm crying until he pulls back and wipes the tears away with his thumbs.

"You're alive," I whisper. I grip his shirt tightly in my hands and bury my face in his chest. He wraps his arm around me and lays his head on top of mine. I relish in the sound of his heartbeat.

"You're alive," I repeat. He simply hugs me tighter. That's when I notice everyone cheering and clapping. I blush and pull away.

Devon cups my face. "How's that for a cliché reunion?"

I laugh. "Best there ever was." He kisses me again. That's when I realize he's crying. I kiss the tears away.

"I...I thought you were..."

"I know," I interrupt, "me too."

Julia runs up. She hugs Devon. "Don't ever scare us like that again." Her voice cracks due to tears.

"Sorry," Devon replies.

"Dev, have you seen Lis?" I ask, hopeful.

"No, I'm sorry, Jax. I saw her, but with all the chaos..." He sighs. "I lost her. I tried to find her, Jax. I did, but..."

"It's ok," I say. "You tried. There's still hope. I found her once, I can find her again. And I won't give up until I do."

Devon smiles. "I know. And neither will I."

I look into his dark eyes. "Thank you." I convey all of my feelings into those two words. He smiles and it's enough for me to know he understands.

"How are you even here?" Julia wonders. "It's been weeks. We figured anyone who didn't show up days ago wasn't going to."

"I got trapped when the place went down. Then, their sweepers went through, so I thought it best to stay put. After that, I blacked out. It took longer than I'd hoped to limp here."

"Are you all right?"

He smiles. "I'm fine."

I frown. "No, you're not. I'm taking you to the infirmary."

"Jax really, I'm..."

"No arguing," I say sternly. I wrap his arm around my shoulders and wrap mine around his waist. "Let's go."

"I'll go get everything ready," Julia announces, rushing off. I help him into the infirmary.

"Jaxon, could you wait outside? You may not want to see this," Julia states, staring at Devon's oddly bent leg. I nod and return to my 'room.' After a while, Devon come in. Immediately, he crosses to me and yanks up my sleeves. I'd forgotten I'd cut myself before attempting suicide, but-obviously-Julia hadn't.

"Why, Jax?" Devon questions. Embarrassed, I pull my sleeves down. "Why?"

"I...I thought you were dead," I whisper. "And it was my fault. If I hadn't made you bring Dylan's body back...if I was stronger...if I didn't destroy everyone around me..."

Devon's face is a mask of shock. "How could you think that? Jax, you are strong. You don't destroy everything. And Dylan was a comrade, he deserved a proper burial." He reveals my cuts again and brings my arms to his lips. "Don't ever think of yourself as anything less than you are: perfection."

Tears prick my eyes. "Do you really think that?"

"Of course I do. You are perfect, Jax. None of this is your fault."

I rest my head on his shoulder. "Thanks. It means a lot."

"Don't mention it. Just come to me whenever you need to hear that, love."

I giggle. "Say it again. Call me that again." I lift my head.

He stares into my eyes. "Love." Our lips meld together. The kiss is soft, sweet, and slow. We reluctantly pull away.

I look up to the ceiling. "They're going to die."

"What?" Devon asks.

"The ministry," I answer coldly. "They're going to die. I'm going to kill all of them."

"Jax..." I stand up and go to my dresser, then lean on it. There's no boiling rage in my blood now. The fire has turned to ice.

"I'm going to take everything from them as they almost took everything from me. Once that's done, I'll kill them. Slowly. They'll feel every inch of suffering they've caused us. Then, I'll show them mercy and end all their suffering, because we're not like them."

"Jax, you're scaring me."

"Don't worry." I abruptly turn and beam at him. "I'll be back soon." I peck him on the lips and leave.

I'll leave finding my sister up to him as I've got other things to do, I think as I walk down the hallway.

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