Chapter Four

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'I'm sitting in front of the tv. Mom is in the kitchen making supper. Dad's in his office, finishing paperwork. The news is currently on.

'"The new Hamond Park was just bombed by terrorists at twelve this afternoon at the grand opening of the park. There were reportedly several explosions. Everyone in he area has been injured. There are three severely wounded, fifteen dead, and two minor injuries.

'"No news as yet of the group that set these explosions, but it is being investigated. More updates will follow tomorrow." Horrified by the images, I quickly change the channel.

'The next day, I decide to put on the Channel 5 news. I want to see if they have anything new. The reporter looks pale. "According to police, the terrorist group who bombed the park yesterday have taken credit for it. They call themselves 'Arrow' and sent the police an audio file."

'Now it shows the sheriff, James Brown. "They specifically sent me this audio file, taking credit for the incident."

'"We are Arrow," a multitude of voices chorus. "We are the terror running through your hearts. We are the ones spilling this blood. We are everything, while you are nothing. We shall spill every last person's blood. This day, we have now become eternity. We are your gods and we will flood this Earth with your blood."

'"We are currently using everything in our jurisdiction to find these murderers. If you are Arrow, we're coming for you."'

My eyes slowly open. The memory no longer feel real. Now it feels like a dream or movie. Something detached from me. Something not real, artificial.

I glance of my left to find Devon sleeping in a chair. He's no terrorist, certainly no cold-blooded killer. His voice was not on that recording; I would hear his voice among millions. I think about waking him, but decide not to. He looks so peaceful that I don't want to disturb him.

Besides, I'm still a little dizzy. I wonder how bad it is this time. As I stare at Devon's face, I start to drift. It's another memory, only this is a real one.

'Devon's next to me. He glances around nervously. "All right. Our intelligence states that Jay Montgomery is in that building. Heavily guarded, but that won't be a problem, right?"

'I frown. "Of course not, Dev. Do you doubt me? If so, we should just leave."

'He raises his hand for peace. "Relax. I'm just checking. If this goes south, it'll be bad."

'"I know that. I just think you should trust me."

'He grabs my hand and squeezes. "I couldn't possibly trust you any more than I already do."

'I nod once. "Let's do this." We sneak into the complex, taking out guards and hiding their bodies. I kill all of mine, but Devon won't. We've argued about it, but he won't listen.
He still holds onto his morality. I let him, he needs it. I love that about him, though it's not rational.

'We finally arrive in the ministry chancellor's room. He's alone. I walk up to him, keeping Devon back to watch for guards. I press the knife to his throat.

'"Where's my sister, Montgomery?" He merely smiles. "Where's Beth? Tell me and you'll die painlessly." The man chuckles maniacally. I stab him, a nonlethal injury. He barely makes a sound.

'"You made a mistake coming here." There's a sound in the hall. I turn, taking my eyes off Montgomery. He yanks the blade from my grip and slashes my chest. It's not deep, but I cry out and fall to my knees while I try to staunch the flow of blood.

'"Jaxon!" Devon yells. He steps forward. The sounds grow closer. They're rushing footsteps. I hold a hand out to him.

'"Devon, get out of here! Now!" He shakes his head. "Go! I'll hold them off! We'll both die if you stay! Go, for my sister!" That gets him moving as I launch myself at Montgomery. I hold him down.

'Devon turns to look at me. "Never give up, Jax. Never let them win." Then he's gone. Then I'm being held by guards. I lift my chin at Montgomery, willing him to kill me.

'"Take him to the rehabilitation center." I stare in horror. They were going to brainwash me. I begin screaming and kicking, to no avail. They strap me to a bed and knock me out, still screaming.'

I wake up, a scream trapped in my throat. Devon's awake and staring at me. I press a hand to my chest where a scar sits. My supposed mother told me I'd hurt myself as a kid. Now I know the truth.

"Are you ok?" Devon asks.

I nod. "It was a memory." Devon nods.

Losing Time (boy x boy) [COMPLETED] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora