Chapter 16: A New Day

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"Ah, you're Hinata's friend aren't you. The one he bailed out of the war." The woman stood before Nishinoya as he stood, shoulders back proudly, behind the bars. "And what were you doing in the general's office?"

The short boy replied unflinchingly, giving the lie he had practiced a thousand times while he had been waiting for this very moment. "I got lost on my way to the servant dorms. So I went to see if anyone was inside so they could direct me."

"You're a decent liar, but not good enough." She smirked.

"Damn." Nishinoya's eyes hardened and his fists clenched. "Maybe I could learn from you."

"I am not a liar." Her cocky smirk vanished as she took step closer to the bars.

"What do you want from me?"

"Everything," She gave him a knowing look and he knew that the woman in front of him meant business. But the boy didn't tremble or beg for his life. No, if he would go, he would go in a blaze of awesome and revolutionary glory. She saw the rebellious look in his eyes and with a flick of her long blonde hair, she sighed. "If you will not speak voluntarily, we will have to tear the information from your very skull." The woman ended with a wide smile that showed all of her teeth. One which greatly contradicted the obvious threat. This time, a small shudder went up his back.

"Good royal, bad royal eh?" He said staring at her extravagant dress and the proud look in her eyes.

She frowned and her eyes narrowed. "So... what were you really doing in that office?" She put her hands around the bars, pulling herself closer to the prisoner. "Or will we have to do this the hard way?"


"It is unfortunate that Nishinoya was taken in by the castle, but it's to dangerous to risk a rescue mission." The woman at the head of the table spoke quietly with her hands flat on the table.

"But he was our only insider, he may have information regarding the-"

"Enough. My words are final," She pushed up her thin framed glasses in an intellectual manner. "We cannot risk anymore lives."

Tanaka lowered his head. "But if they interrogate him, they could find our base. You've heard they have people like that! Ones that can look inside your mind," She looked up at this. "We have to many people here to move. If we don't get to him soon, our entire operation could go to shit." He spread his hands out wide, simulating an explosion.

"I understand that, but we don't have enough manpower to get through that many Utolians." She replied calmly.

Tanaka bit the inside of his cheek. He knew it was risky, but it would have to be done. "We could go to plan b."

Shimizu Kiyoko sighed. The plan was out of the question before, but now that Nishinoya had been captured and some of the base's most valuable secrets were in the hands the enemy... But it had so many loose ends, and if one thing went wrong, that entire plan would turn on its head.

Kiyoko slowly nodded, knowing it was truly their only option. "Very well. You may engage him."

"Thank yo-"

"But if you fail, you must not allow yourself to be put in their hands," She gave him a knowing look that told him all that he needed to know. "And that means in any way possible." Her eyes darkened and her fists clenched. The plan had been abandoned for it's instability before, and the fact that they were using this plan when everything was on the line greatly worried her.

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