Chapter 5: Accepted

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Hinata wordlessly placed the eggs in front of Kageyama during another silent breakfast between the royal family. They made eye contact, but Hinata showed no emotion. Every time they looked at each other Kageyama's heart broke a little. It's been almost a week since they last spoke and he couldn't take it. He had been trying to apologize silently the whole time, but Hinata wasn't having any of it. He needed an apology, with actual words. Kageyama stared at his plate of eggs and wondered how in the hell he would maintain... whatever strange relationship they had. "Kageyama," His father said in his stern tone, breaking him away from his thoughts. "How do you like your new trainer?" Him and Lucy had both started new training in order to prepare for the trials, which Kageyama thought was ridiculous since neither of them were obviously competing. But Lucy said to just take advantage of the harder training while they could.

"Yes, he's... good." Kageyama could think of another word, but his father would not approve. Their new trainer who was called Ren. His families power earned them the name of Silencers, they were called this because they could block any Utolian's ability. He was strict and mean, always critiquing and never complimenting. 

"Good." Another long silence settled in among the searching of forks on plates and glasses of orange juice hitting the table. When the servants came to clear their plates his eyes searched for Hinata. He had deliberately set himself on the exact opposite side of the table so that he was clearing Lucy's plates. Hinata didn't really know why he was avoiding him, he knew that he was mad at him for saying that they weren't equal, but he had cooled down now and ready to talk again. He looked up at Kageyama and found that he was staring right back. He stopped in place seemingly frozen by his icy blue eyes. Hinata grimaced and tore himself away, trailing behind the other servants. If Kageyama wouldn't apologize then he wouldn't talk. Kageyama sighed. He had to speak with him, and fast. The trials were quickly approaching and once he was betrothed, Kageyama would have eyes all over him, searching for even the smallest imperfection. His future fiancée would never let him even look at Hinata ever again. He needed to repair them before that happened.

After the morning classes and training Kageyama sat in his room, deciding what to do. He could send him something, a note or a letter. Or maybe he could send someone to do the talking for him. Kageyama sighed again for maybe the 100th time. He knew he was over thinking this. He made a decision as he got up and opened his door. Outside were the two guards that were always stationed there and asked them to send down one of the servants by the name of Shōyō Hinata. He was, after all, the crown prince, it wasn't like they could refuse him.

Hinata looked down at the plate he was washing. He decided to help the kitchen staff clean the dishes since there was really nothing better to do. A strong hand grabbed Hinata's shoulder and whipped him around. He gasped in surprise when he saw the bright blue uniform of a palace guard. "Shōyō Hinata?"He tensed at use of his full name and nodded slowly. "Follow me."

The guard brought him out of the kitchen and to a large door, on the outside was another guard. The man that had escorted him here gave a loud rap on the door. "Your highness, I have brought you the servant from your description." He said in a loud authoritative voice.

The giant door opened revealing a disheveled prince wearing a half buttoned and ruffled dress shirt. "Good," He said. "Come in." Kageyama gestured to Hinata to come inside of his room. It was meticulously clean, despite the prince's appearance, Hinata thought and he couldn't help but notice that he room smelled of fresh blueberries. When he closed the door Hinata instantly relaxed. He had become more comfortable around Kageyama, even though they had only spoke twice before.

"What are you doing?" He asked crossing his arms like a child in the middle of a tantrum.

"Look Hinata, I'm sorry okay?" Kageyama managed through gritted teeth. He launched straight into his apology. "Can you please forgive me?"

"Why should you ask forgiveness from someone below you, I thought we weren't equal." Hinata responded looking away and puffing his cheeks.

"Damnit Hinata! Please, the trials are coming up and... I-I could use a real friend." He mumbled, his voice dropped off and it ended in more of a whisper.

"I'm not at your service your highness. I can get you food or wine, but I won't be your friend whenever you feel like it!"

"I'm sorry," Kageyama sighed. He realized that he probably deserved that one. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. It had always worked with his mother when he wanted something. He forced the corner of his lips down into a small pout and widened his eyes into probably the cutest puppy dog look Hinata had ever seen. Kageyama didn't mean to look so adorable, but Hinata couldn't help but not be angry while staring into those big blue eyes. Hinata looked back at him with a new look in his face. Some of the coldness was gone and one of his eyebrows perked up, as if he were goading him to continue. "I don't think I'm above you, even if I have power that you don't, that doesn't mean we can't be friends." Kageyama said tilting his head.

"Alright whatever," He said reluctantly giving Kageyama a small smile. The life of a palace servant was boring without him and he was over the fight they had. Hinata sat cross legged onto the floor. "What's up?"

"Well, most of the actual contenders will be... not the best people." Kageyama thought back to the dozens of dinners he had had with the children's father and or mother. All of them had been snobby and over confident that their daughter was the best.

"I see." He could only imagine what kind of people Kageyama had to deal with. The stuck up people with their nose so high they couldn't see the ground before them.

"And make matters worse, all of the families are coming to the palace for the tournament. That 2 weeks that I have to deal with them!" Hinata raised his eyebrows. He had no idea that they had to stay that long.

"And 2 weeks I'll have to serve them." Hinata shuddered at the thought. He had almost forgotten that not all royals were as kind as Kageyama.

They talked over what they had missed over the past week. Hinata complained about the long hours, hard labor, and dull company, besides Rose, but tried his best not to sound ungrateful to him since he was the one that got Hinata the job. Kageyama explained his situation with all of the nobles and their daughters with who were the favorites to become the future queen. Hinata tried to keep up, but there were at least 30 competitors. That was to much for his little brain.

They enjoyed each other's company so much so, that they arranged to meet in the ballroom later that week to talk more. It was strange how their relationship worked. Usually someone would have dominance over the other, but they were different. They were completely in sync with each other. Kageyama's shy yet mean nature fit together perfectly with Hinata's talkative and happy personality. Like two puzzle pieces, they completed each other.

That is, until the first day of the trials. The arena where the most powerful would compete. But Hinata would almost rather be dead then be able to see what would happen next.


Sorry for two boring chapters in a row, promise the next one won't be! ;)

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