Chapter 6: Betrayal

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It had finally arrived, the first day of the trials. Kageyama lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. He had been unable to sleep the whole night before and was exhausted. Right on cue, at 7:30 sharp, a trio of silent Laysan servants came bustling in. They brought out the ridiculous outfit that was custom to wear to the event and he was forced to get up. In the mirror he saw himself in the flashy clothing. It was bright blue suit with a pristine white sash from shoulder to hip. The sash was covered with badges of fake honor that he knew he didn't deserve. Golden buttons trailed up the middle of the coat and stopped at the white collar that seemed intent on strangling him. He sighed and waved off the servants. They left Kageyama with his thoughts. He stared at his reflection and frowned. He didn't want this, he didn't want to marry some snobby girl who just happened to be powerful, but he had to. It was best for the country after all, right?

Hinata woke up at dawn and was busily helping the others prepare for the guests. He was checking every guest bedroom to see that each one was perfect. It was boring work, but he knew it was better than making the small finger hors d'oeuvres. Hinata had already tried that, but the rest of the kitchen staff kicked him out because he had screwed each one he tried up even when he tried his hardest. At around 9 the guests started arriving. The families went to their designated seats in the arena and the competitors went to the training room to warm up. He wondered if there had always been an arena or if the castle just so big he had never seen it. The servers lined up just as they had during every meal, except that they had moved to the kitchen area next to the enormous arena. Usually Hinata would be somewhere in the back with Rose, but this time he got a spot up front where he had a good view of the people that were inside. He almost broke out laughing when he saw the parents of the competitors and other important person's. They were all wearing such ridiculous outfits that were some many different colors they reminded him of gilded peacocks. "Rose," He said turning to the darker girl behind him. "Why are they dressed like that?"

"Everyone wears the color of their family's emblem so they know who's who." She said back standing on her tiptoes, trying to see everyone.
Suddenly a bright red light appeared on the wall and the servant's night began.

When it was eventually Hinata's turn, he looked up to see the first two competitors walking into the center of the dust filled arena. One had extremely long blonde hair that was pulled back into a tight braid. Her cheekbones looked like they could cut steel and her black eyes seemed to be made of pure obsidian. The other girl had straight jet black hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail and a softer face with cold blue eyes. Both were wearing black jumpsuits that made them look more like assassins then the future queen. They bent their knees and held out their hands, ready to spring into action. There was a loud gong and the fight began.

Water droplets surrounded the black haired girl and gathered into a huge ball of water in the center of her hands. The ball of power shot out towards the other girl, but she dodged easily. Now its was her turn to attack. She held out her hands and threw them to the sky. Dozens of large thorned vines shot from the dust of the arena. Hinata was so mesmerized by their attacks he almost forgot that he was on duty. The cold girl took aim, pointed at the poor blonde, and sent her thorny vines straight for her opponent. The girl tried to dodge but was to slow. The vines grabbed her limbs and pinned her to the stone wall, and Hinata heard her cry out in pain even from all the way to the stands. The black haired girl laughed and enjoyed the screams of her cornered pray. Another gong rang out signaling the end of the fight.

Kageyama frowned from his seat on the dais. If all of the fights were going to be as boring as that one, he didn't even want to be there. The Tremor had been way out of the other girls league. But as the next two opponents walked out he saw that they were much more evenly matched. One girl was an Alegre, someone that could control wind and air, and the other who was a Luz, who could bend and control the light around them and make themselves invisible. The Luz made herself invisible and the Alegre couldn't track her. Suddenly her hands flew to her neck and made choking noises and Kageyama realized that the Luz was strangling her from behind. With a gust of wind she threw her off of her back and she became visible again. "Who has the advantage?" His father asked him.

"The Alegre now. The Luz has already used her prime attack and now her opponent will be ready." He said as the Alegre blew the other girl into the wall with a loud bang. The king nodded at his son as the girl's fighting continued.

A couple hours into the tournament, the girl with the black hair appeared again to fight in her second match. Her opponent had white hair and thick red lips. At the same time, Hinata was bringing food to a family in the front row directly across from the black haired girl. Unfortunately for him, she attacked first. A thick thorned vine shot towards the other girl who dodged. The vine went out of the arena walls for a moment and on it's way back, one of the thorns caught onto the back of Hinata's shirt. He was pulled into the arena where the two girls were fighting with a loud thud. Hinata yelped in surprise catching the attention of the fighters. "Annoying pest." The girl with the black hair mumbled. She sent more vines his way, aiming for the kill.

Hinata held out a hand in defense, closed his eyes, and hoped for the best, but was surprised when he didn't feel any pain. Only a burning heat that made him jump. He opened his eyes slowly and saw the vine in his hand, only that it wasn't pierced or bleeding. It was burning. Covered with licking orange and yellow flames that burned through the green vines. Both of the girls looked at him in utter shock. Kageyama stood up and almost fell into the arena in his state of surprise. Hinata stood up and just stared at his hand that was still burning. The vine girl glared at him and sent more vines his way, this time aiming for his body. But instead of actually killing him, his entire body lit up with flames. After what felt like hours, but was actually less than a minute, of them trying to kill Hinata they gave up. His flames died and the whole room was silent. "Um..." Was all he could manage as an excuse.

"Get him!" The king screamed to the guards. Hinata ran back for the entrance that the girls came through and sprinted as hard as he could. He ran through huge hallways, trying to find a way out, but ended up lost among the tall walls of the castle. He turned a corner and bumped into a hard chest covered with blue fabric. Hinata expected a guard, but when he looked up he sighed in relief when he realized that it was Kageyama.

"Kageyama. It's a good thing I ran into you, I was-," He stopped short when he saw his friend's face. It was full of shame and defeat, his eyes veiled with sorrow. "Y-You wouldn't." Hinata whispered in disbelief. Kageyama held out his hand. The small boy willed his flames to come back, to electrify his fingertips, but nothing came. He was completely defenseless.

"I'm sorry." It was all he could say as ice and snow surrounded him, separating Hinata from reality. The look was frozen on his face and Kageyama was forced to stare at it. The face of betrayal.

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