Chapter Four

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Connor stepped into the house to the sound of his parents yelling again. He flinched and looked back at Evan, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. He gently grabbed his wrist, pulling him upstairs quickly and into his room, closing the door fast. The sounds of his parents were immediately muffled.

Connor tossed his things onto the bed and let go of Evan, going and dropping down into his computer seat, spinning a bit. He stopped and looked at Evan  who was standing at his door awkwardly. Connor let out a soft whistle, getting his attention.

"Sit, man, nobody is telling you to stand there. Explore the room, do somethin. " Connor leaned back in his seat, watching Evan put his things down gently and sit on his bed, fiddling with his hands. Connor sighed and turned, going through his desk's drawers before tossing something at Evan. The boy barely caught it, looking at it. It was a small cube with little gadgets on each side. Evan looked at him, a perplexed look on his face.

"It's a fidget cube, I bought it for myself before I discovered the wonders of weed. Helps with anxiety." Connor stated, looking at Evan. The younger's eyes lit up and he smiled, fiddling with it and visibly relaxing.

"T-Thanks, Connor..." His voice was soft and calm, a smile on his face. Connor got up and went over to his bag, pulling out a textbook and sitting beside Evan, their thighs touching. Connor flipped open the textbook, turning to a page they needed to study.

"So, we have a test on chapter 15. Want me to quiz you?" Connor looked at Evan, who looked relaxed for the first time he'd seen. He smiled at that. Evan nodded softly, leaning against the wall next to the bed. Connor began to read out questions, waiting for Evan to answer them.


"And how did that affect their ability to fight?"

Evan let out a soft noise, furrowing his brows in confusion. He hadn't prepared for this question. He honestly didn't know the answer.

"I-I don't know..." He looked down in shame, pitying himself. He had gotten every other question, but not this one. He felt a hand brush up against his shoulder and he looked up to see Connor smiling softly.

"It's okay, Hansen. No need to get absolutely every question right," Connor closed the textbook, putting it off to the side. "That's enough studying for the night." He looked out the window, seeing the sun setting. He let out a soft hum. "You should head home, it's getting dark."

Evan nodded, packing up his things and pulling out his phone, texting his mom to pick him up. A short while later, he got a text, saying she was at work and had no way to. Evan sighed, putting his phone away.

Connor looked up from his phone, his brow furrowed slightly. "What's up?"

"She's working." He began fiddling with the toy fast, a small frown on his face. Connor hummed and leaned back on the bed.

"I can walk you home if you'd like. This neighborhood is safe as hell, and I had to take self defense classes as a kid, so if anything tries to happen, we're good." Connor closed his eyes as he spoke, enjoying the feeling of his bed. Evan made a noise of slight objection, looking at Connor.

"Y-You don't have to- I-I can walk home-" Connor held up a hand.

"Just sleep here tonight. You can walk to school with me tomorrow." He looked at the shorter one, examining his face for some sign of objection. There was none, and Evan looked down, mumbling 'okay...'. Connor smiled and sat up, hearing his stomach growl. He cursed at himself before the voice of his mother and a knock at his door brought him to his senses.

"Connor, are you in there?" The door opened to reveal his mom. The two boys were frozen, staring at her like deers in headlights. "Dinner is- Oh! Who is this?"

Evan began fiddling with the toy again, signaling an anxiety spike. Connor instinctively put a hand on the small of his back, answering his mom.

"This is Evan, my friend."

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