Chapter 25 The Date-Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Darling, wake up. Come on. Wake up. I have a surprise for you."

I stretch and open my eyes slowly. Mason looms over me, a grin plastered on his face.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, it's 3 o'clock you've slept most of the day. Now, you have 3 hours to get ready. I'm taking you somewhere special." He sets a box on the bed beside me. "This has some clothes for you and shoes. Take a shower, put them on, do your hair, makeup whatever. Just be ready by 6 pm."

He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I drag the box closer and open it. The first thing I pull out is a beautiful turquoise dress that fades to white at the bottom. It's floor length and is tight at the top but loosens up towards the middle.

Next, I pull out a pair of white closed towed heels with straps around the ankle. In the bottom of the box is two small jewelry boxes. I open both of them and gasp. In one is a pair of diamond earrings. In the other is necklace with a silver heart pendant, with mine and my mom's birthdays engraved on it.

My eyes water as I look at it. I miss her so much. I take the dress into the bathroom and hang it up on a hook. I take a long shower, making sure to wash my hair and body really good.

When I get out I slip on the dress, taking a minute to run my hands over the soft material. Then, I blow dry my hair. I decide to curl it and get out the curler and mousse. It takes about an hour to curl my hair, it's 5 o'clock when I'm done. Then, I do my makeup, which takes a good half hour. Finally, I put in the earrings, put the necklace around my neck, and put my heels on.

By the time I'm done with everything its 5:45. I wait for a little bit, just wandering around until the clock hits 6. As soon as it does there's a knock on the door. 

I open it to find Mason standing there. He's wearing black dress pants and a white button up shirt. He hands me a small bouquet of lilies, my favorite flowers. I take them and smile.

"Let me go put these in a vase, there's one under the sink isn't there?"

He nods and I walk to the kitchen, pulling out a vase and filling it with water, I set the lilies in it and put it on the kitchen table. I walk back to the door and Mason takes my arm, leading me out and to the car.

He opens my door for me and I get in. He walks around to his side and gets in. We drive off into the night.

It takes us a while before we finally pull up in front of a restaurant. The sign says 'The Crow' and it looks expensive. Mason helps me out of the car and we walk inside. The lady at the front greets us with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Crow, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, table for two under Stone."

She clicks her mouse a couple times and smiles. "Ah yes Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Right this way."

I didn't even have time to tell her we weren't married before she whisks us away to our table. It's set in the corner of the restaurant, secluded and dim. Actually, the whole restaurant was dim. It was a nice dim, kind of romantic.

A waiter is with us almost immediately. He hands us menus, takes our order of a bottle of Cabernet, and leaves. I look over it and decide to get the lasagna and quarter baguette. Mason decides to get the pan roasted chicken and smashed potato cake. 

The waiter comes back a few minutes later with our wine in a bucket of ice and two wine glasses. He pours the wine and sets the bucket on the table. He takes our food orders and leaves.

"So," Mason starts. "Do you like it here? The restaurant I mean."

I smile at him, he seems a little nervous. "Of course, it's beautiful here." I take a sip of the wine. "And the wine is wonderful."

He smiles, relieved. "I'm glad you like it."

We make small talk, like a normal date. Talking about the weather, our interests, everything. By the time our food arrives we're laughing our butts off and for a moment I forget, I forget that my mom doesn't remember me, I forget that he stalked me, and kidnapped me. I only think about the him in this moment. 

The food is set in front of us and it looks and smells delicious. We thank the waiter and sit in silence for a bit to eat. When we're both halfway done, we start up conversation again. This time about the food. 

"This lasagna is amazing, except for my moms homemade, this is the best I've had."

He gasps. "Better than mine?" He pretends to be hurt.

I grin. "Of course not."

He grins. "Well this chicken is amazing too, do you want to try it?"

I nod. "But, only if you try the lasagna."

"Deal." He picks up a forkful of chicken and holds it out for me. I eat it and smile. 

"Mmm. Delicious." I pick up a forkful and feed it to him.

"Yum. You were right that is good."

We both smile. I look down and when I look up again I find him staring at me.

"What? Do I have food on my face or something?"

"No, you're just really beautiful."

Hey guys! Here is Date part 1. There will be a second part coming soon. I hope you liked it! I'll see you in the next chapter.

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