Chapter 1 Meeting Charlotte

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                                         The song is 'Say Amen' by Panic! at the Disco. The picture above is Charlotte how I imagine her but you can imagine her however you want.

"And so if you drop the copper into the heated zinc and sodium hydroxide mixture it will turn silver. Next we will hold it in the flame of the Bunsen burner and it will successfully turn into bronze". 

My chemistry teacher drones on about alloys and metallic bonds, but I wasn't paying attention, my focus had shifted to the piece of paper in front of me. The pencil moves swiftly across the page creating rough sketches of various flowers and plants.

  Brrriiiing. The bell rings.  I stand, carefully putting the drawing in my bag before throwing it over my shoulder. Chemistry is the last class of the day for me, I walk out the front doors and cut across the parking lot. I don't have a car, not that I really need one, I only live a few blocks from the school.

I pull out my phone and headphones plugging them in. 'Say Amen' plays in my ear and I sing along softly as I walk. It doesn't take long before I finally reach my front door. I walk in, throwing my bag down on the couch.

"Hello?" I call out, even though I know there's no one to answer me. I walk into the kitchen, flicking lights on as I go. I read the note left for me, 'Char, there's money on the counter for food, I'll be back late, Love you. Mom'. I grab the money and head out, locking the door behind me. 


 Soft music plays through my headphones as I shop. My cart already half full of cookies, chips, and other junk food. I need just one last thing, yet I can't seem to find it.

"Hello, uhm can you point me towards where the popcorn is?" 

The young cashier led me towards the aisle with the popcorn. "Here you are ma'am, can I help you with anything else?" 

"No thanks, I'm okay from here." I grab the popcorn I want and turn to head out of the aisle, the cashier following me out, until another customer calls him over, saying something about pickles, who knows. I wander a bit more just to make sure I have everything before heading to the checkout. A man stands behind him, a single bag of chips in his hand.

"Sir? Would you like to go first? You only have one thing, I have a whole cart."

He grins. "No darling, I'm quite alright, thank you."

"If you're sure." I start piling my things on the counter and wait for them to be bagged up, before gathering them all up in my arms, these are the times when I wish we could afford another car. I start my long trek home, the groceries weighing me down the whole way. This is going to be a long and tiring walk.

Alrighty guys here's the first chapter of 'Watched'! Hope you all enjoyed it, there will be much more to come! I can not wait to keep writing. The next chapter will be in our mystery guys POV. That may or may not be up tonight, time will tell. 

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