Chapter 17 Movies

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Two weeks after the lunch incident, it's almost my birthday. I'll finally be 18 in 4 days. My mom said that I can pick where I want the party. Since it's summer I decide to have it at the pool. I invite Maria and her friends, Josh, Michael, Kaden, Karla, and Jessica. Kaden and Karla are twins. Josh and Michael are dating. Kaden secretly like Maria. Karla and Jessica are single, but they are best friends. Speaking of my new friends they are all sitting around me at the lunch table. Since that day I've become good friends with them. 

"Hey Ivy." Michael calls my name, drawing me out of my thoughts. "We're all going to the movies tomorrow, do you want to come? It can be sort of like a party before the party."

I smile. "Of course! What are we going to see?"

Kaden and Karla reply at the same time. "The new Beauty and The Beast movie."

"Seriously?! I have been dying to see that!" I jump slightly up and down in my seat. Maria laughs at me.

"Calm down chica you look like you're going to have a heart attack." Everyone else laughs and I smile sheepishly.

"Sorry guys, I'm just really excited."

Josh pats my back. "Don't worry Ivy you should have seen how I reacted." He goes into detail. 

"Okay, so Josh told me, he made me sit down because he knew how excited I was to see the movie. He told me and I screamed. Yes, screamed. I jumped up and hugged him real tight. My parents came in to see what was wrong, because my scream was so loud." He explains while laughing. Everyone else laughs along with and then starts telling their stories. 




Later that night I get ready to go. I put on some jeans and a nicer tee then I was wearing. I grab a purse and put some money it, my phone, and a thing of lip gloss. Beep. I hear a car horn. 

I run down the stairs. "Bye mom! I'm leaving now love you!"

"Love you too honey!"

I run outside to see Maria in her car with Michael and Josh in the back. I climbing the back next to Michael.

"Hey guys!" Everyone says hello.

"The others are with Kaden in his car." Maria says. 

"Okay, let's get going!" Maria drives off.

15 minutes later we park at the movies and get out. Jessica, Karla, and Kaden are waiting for us at the front. We walk over and head inside. We each pay for our tickets and get popcorn and pop. We walk into the theatre and Michael and Josh head off alone. Everyone else scatters around. Kayden and Maria sit together. Karla and Jess sit together. I sit alone. 

The movie starts and I watch entranced. This has to be my favorite movie and it's barely started. I just love the detail and the characters. It's all so amazing, I knew it was going to be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. I feel someone sit beside me and tear my eyes away from the screen to look over. 

'Lucas' grins devilishly at me. "Hello, princess. Miss me?"

Oh fuck. Of course he has to ruin this for me. I get up and move over a few seats, but he gets up and moves with me. Why does this have to happen to me?

"Why are you here?" I whisper harshly. 

He grins. "Because I love you and wanted to see you."

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I whisper in the same tone as before and get up walking out of the theater. He follows me out, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him. 

WatchedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora