Chapter 25 The Date-Part 1

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He wants to take me back. I don't want to go. No one knows the real me, my mom's not there, not really, it's just not home. But, here, strangely has become home. I'm not saying I really like Mason, but I don't hate him as much as I did. Weird.

A few days after I woke up they finally let me go home. We are now in the car on the way home. We pull up in front of the house and Mason gets out, coming around to help me out. We walk in and he helps me to the room. I sit on the bed and he sits beside me. 

Just getting up to use the restroom wore me out, so I lay on the bed, under the blankets. A few minutes later I'm asleep.




Mason and I sit on the beach hand in hand, the sun setting  over the water. The water is peaceful and calm. The sand white under our bare feet. The air warm and balmy, the scent of saltwater in the air.

"I love you princess." He murmurs, turning to me. I turn to him, kissing him.

"I love you too."




I wake up confused. Why would I dream something like that? I sit up slowly and yawn, stretching. 

I get up and walk out of the room, down the stairs. I walk into the living room first and then the kitchen, Mason isn't in either room. While I'm in the kitchen I grab a water bottle. Then, I wander through the house, trying to find him. I look outside, his car is gone. I wonder where he is.

I go back to the bedroom and grab the blanket then walk down to the living room. I put in The Little Mermaid. Then, I sit curled up in the blanket on the couch.

I watch the movie for a while before drifting off to sleep. I wake with  a start, a few minutes later, when the door slams open. The blanket falls off my lap. I stand up, looking towards the door.

Mason stands there, propped against the doorway, his eyes glazed over.

"H-hello princess." He says, his words slurred. Great, he's drunk. 

"Where have you been?" I ask, although I already know.

"Just at the bar." He grins and stumbles towards me. "I missed you darling."

I back away, clutching the blanket to my chest. "Maybe you should sleep down here tonight Mason."

He shakes his head slowly. "I think I'll sleep with you tonight." He trips over himself, laying sprawled out on the ground.

He doesn't get back up and I walk towards him slowly. His eyes are closed and his breathing even, he fell asleep. 

I sigh in relief, glad to not have to deal with him. I put the blanket over him. Then, I walk into the kitchen, pulling out sausage, eggs, tortillas, and cheese. I want a breakfast burrito. I cook the sausage and the eggs and assemble my burrito.

I put everything away and take my food upstairs with me. I sit on the bed, the plate in my lap. I grab my book from the bedside table and flip it open to where the bookmark is placed. I read for a couple hours before taking my plate back to the kitchen. 

I walk to the room and into the closet, grabbing some pajamas, then I walk into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and when I get out I lay in bed, it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.




I wake up the next morning to a gentle shaking and a voice whispering in my ear.

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