Chapter 20 Taking Her-Part 2 (Mystery Man's POV)

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The next morning I wake up to Charlotte trying to get out of my arms. I sigh and pull  her closer, tightening my grip.

"Go back to sleep, we still have another hour or so before we have to wake up." I tell her, sleepily. 

She keeps squirming. "I have to use the bathroom, let me up!"

I sigh and let go of her, she gets up and practically runs to the bathroom. I roll over stuffing my face in the pillow. I wait for her to come out of the bathroom, when she does she lays back down and I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her again.

She squirms. "I'm not tired."

"Darling, rest, we have another 11 hour drive today, you're going to need the rest."

She sighs and stops squirming. I fall back asleep, my arms still around her.

An hour later the alarm goes off and I sit up, Charlotte has fallen back to sleep. I decide to let her sleep while I pack up. I pack our bags and put them back there as well. 

Then, I wake Charlotte. I shake her lightly. "Wake up darling." She shrugs me off. I shake her again. "Come on darling, we have to leave if we want breakfast."

She groans. 'Do I have to?" 

"Yes, come on." I help her up and hand her a set of clothes. "Go change." I say softly.

She takes the clothes and walks into the bathroom, changing, and coming out a couple minutes later.

"Alright, let's go get breakfast. Is Burger King okay?" 

She shrugs. "Sure."

We get into the car and drive off.




Almost 12 hours later we finally pull up to the house. It's light blue with white trim. It has a wrap around porch and a covered balcony on the second floor. I really hope she likes it. Charlotte is awake, so she helps me carry in bags, when she sees the house she stops, staring at the house in awe. She carries in most of the bags, I'm grateful because I just drove for 12 hours, although I'm pretty sure she's trying to gain my trust, but it won't be easy this time. I'm not letting her out of this house for a long time.

We put the bags in the living room and I grab her hand and lead her upstairs to our bedroom. I set the keys on the desk and turn to her.

"What do you think?" I ask softly. "Do you like it?"

She looks around the room, not answering me. Walking around a bit, she picks things up looking at them.

"Princess?" I walk up to her and grab her shoulder softly. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah." She says softly.

"Well, what do you think of the house?" 

She shrugs and sits on an armchair in the little reading nook. I walk over, kneeling in front of her. I grab her hands and look up at her.

"Darling? What's wrong? Do you not like it here?"

She tears up and glares at me. "No! What do you expect?! You kidnapped me and brought me here against my will and you expect me to like it!? You are crazy! Absolutely crazy!"

I take a deep breath, trying to keep calm. "You're just tired darling, you don't know what you're saying,  come on, let's go to bed." I stand and grab her arm softly.

She yanks away from me and runs for the door. I sigh and follow after her. She doesn't know the house yet so I'm sure she'll get lost.

I walk around and as I thought she found herself lost. She's sitting in a hallway crying. I walk up to her.

"Come on darling, come with me and you won't be locked up like last time." I move to grab her arm again, but she moves away quickly.

I clench my fists and take a deep breath. Stay calm. She's just tired, that's it. She gets up, backing away from me.

"Let's go to bed darling, you'll feel better in the morning."I move towards her.

"Don't touch me! Stay away!" She takes off down the hallway and I follow quickly. If she finds the door and gets out it'll be hell trying to get her back.

I finally catch up to her and grab her roughly, just as she reached the door. I pull her into me and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

"What did I tell you darling? If you disobey you get punished, if you obey you get rewarded. You just disobeyed me, so what does that mean?" I ask, walking down a hallway.

She doesn't answer. "It means you get punished." I open the door to a small room with just a bed and flick on the light. The bed has chains already attached to the bed so I lay her down, pinning her with my body. Then, I restrain her wrists. I move down, grabbing her legs and restraining them as well.

"Now, I didn't want to do this darling, it hurts me to have to, but you have to learn. As soon as you're ready to behave call for me, I'll be right here."

With that, I leave the room, shutting the light off and locking the door behind me.

I hate to do this to her, but if I don't she won't learn. I go back to our bedroom and lay on my back on the bed, my arm thrown over my eyes. All I want to do is go back to the room and let her out. I groan, why can't she just listen to me? How hard is it to just listen?

Somehow I end up falling asleep and wake up 3 hours later. I decide to check on Charlotte, maybe she's ready to listen to me.

I walk down the hallway and as I get closer I hear weird sounds coming from the room. It almost sounds like...crying? I open the door quietly and sure enough she was crying. Loud, desperate sobs echo through the room and I her say why me, quietly over and over again.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. You just had to learn." I walk over and undo the binds. I scoop her up, holding her close as she continues to cry. 

"Sh sh sh, it's okay darling, don't cry, it's okay, sh sh sh." I rock her gently and stroke her hair. "Everything's going to be fine." I pick her up and walk back to our room, talking to her gently the whole time. 

By the time I get back to our room she's calmed down and is almost asleep. I sit on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair softly. Eventually she falls asleep. I gently lay her down, covering her up and lay down beside her, pulling her towards me gently.

I kiss her head. "I love you darling." I whisper. "I wish you would understand and love me back."




The next morning I wake up before Charlotte. I slide out of bed and head to the bathroom for a shower. When I'm finished I walk out to find Charlotte sitting on the bed, reading. I stand there for a minute and watch her, smiling. After a minute Charlotte looks up and the smile slips off of her face. 

Oh how I wish I could be the cause of that smile and not the end of it. That will take a lot of time though, if ever. I sigh softly and walk over. "You can take a shower if you want, there's clothes in the closet." I gesture to the closet. "And soap and towels in the bathroom."

She doesn't say anything , but gets up, putting the book back, and then she goes into the closet. She comes back out a second later and walks into the bathroom. I give her some privacy and leave the room, going to the kitchen.

I'm still tired so I just make a bowl of cereal. I sit at the table and eat, I finish my bowl and set it in the sink. It's been a while since Charlotte went into the bathroom so I decide to check on her. I walk into the room to hear the shower still running. I knock lightly on the door. 

"Darling? Are you almost done?"

"Yeah." I hear the faint reply. 

"Okay, well when you get out if you want breakfast I'll take you down to the kitchen."

She doesn't reply so I just lay on the bed, waiting.

Hey guys! I'm sorry I feel like this is terrible. I hope you guys liked this and I'll see you In the next chapter!

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