Chapter 3

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"Kaylia's bullying was relentless, it was like everyday I was trying some new way to avoid her and the mean girls she was around. It started to feel like I spent more time on the floor trying not to cry, than up and moving to and from my classes."

"So that's when I turned to razor blades, knives, thin yellow rubberbands that made my wrists bleed, to make anything hurt more than Kaylia's bullying. I even started wearing more black to cover up my grief."


I looked at the razor blade.

How could it have come to this?

How could it come to me getting ready to to this?

I looked up at myself in the mirror. My blond hair was a mess, I had messed up my mascara with all the crying, and I had long tear streaks down my face. I thought about what I could do to relieve the pain.

Do it, do it now.

I pulled up my sleeves and looked at my wrists. My breathing got really fast. The hand that held the razor blade was shaking.

I'm scared, I'm so scared.

Present day

A tear slipped down my cheek.
"It became a weekly thing after that, and then daily, suddenly a pack of razor blades was my best friend. I couldn't live without them, but at the same time I don't think I could live with them. You hurt me so much Kaylia, I didn't even know you that well, we had no history and if we did, I'm sorry but I had no recollection of you, but thank God suddenly my horrid High school year was over, I had managed to make it out alive."

Or at least breathing."

I clicked the microphone button again and stopped my recording. I uploaded it to all of the social networks I had. I came back to my bed and laid down, closing my eyes.

Ping! Ping! I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked at my phone and saw all of my notifications. What. The. Hell. I already had about 300 likes on Instagram and then about 700 on Tumblr. I chuckled to myself and then just went into a whole hysterical fit of laughter. "well this must be the sound of fame" I said laughing some more. I didn't know what was more surprising, the fact that my phone hadn't stopped making noise yet or the fact that people were listening to what I had to say. 

I sat down in my chair again and just looked at everything on my computer's monitor.

There were so many comments.

How had it taken me literally five seconds to get famous? I looked at the newest comment: @skyehigh when are you going to make the next part I cannot wait!!!! I looked at it and laughed.

I typed back at her and said I would tomorrow. Right after I commented back my phone rang. It was a number that I didn't know.

"Umm hello who is th-"
"I'm assuming this is Skye Miller so I'm going to cut straight to the chase, this is Kaylia and I don't think how much you are screwing up my life ms.miller. I'm going to tell you this one time and one time only: back off. I have a life and a boyfriend and also I'm in college and the last thing I need is my Dean revoking my scholarship because of you. Continue your stupid freaking podcast for all I care but, do not and I mean do not continue to have my name in it."

The call was over with a satisfying click, and suddenly the high I was on disappeared into thin air
The next day

"So Skye did you see the homework that annoying lesbian teacher gave us, ugh, God I'm sick of her-"
"Kaylia contacted me yesterday." I said interrupting Maddy.
"Oh my crap what did she say?!" Maddy had conveniently stopped walking to my car just to ask me this question. And did I mention that the traffic we were in was crazy because everyone was trying to get home? I grabbed her slender wrist and hurried to my car so that we wouldn't be pushed and shoved, plus I needed to sit down while explaining this.

We got to my black Lexus and sat down on the comfy leather interior. I cranked up my car and turned the stereo down.
Maddy looked at me with the look of a wild animal, Her brown eyes where open wide and she gave me a look that basically said ' so you told me Kaylia Williams called you and now you make me wait'.
"So as I said Kaylia Williams called-"
"Uh yeah you said that,come on move with the story"
"Well she called, and basically said I was fucking up her life." I ran my fingers through my black hair which I had let hang down today.
"YOU ARE MESSING UP HER LIFE?!" Maddy yelled angrily. "Hand me the phone, let me handle this" Maddy had gone through my bag and called the last number I had. There was silence throughout the car and then I heard Kaylia come on the phone.

"What Skye? Why are you-"
"Hello my name is Maddylin Johnson and I am Skylar's best friend and I have heard that you said she was fucking up your life. Hah, let me tell you one thing you rude, white piece of trash: if you dare bother my friend again about her podcast, that she as an American has the rights to do, I will hunt you down; and once I find you I will kill you very slowly. First I will yank out all that pretty blonde hair piece by piece and then I will continue to torture you. Do. You. Understand?" I heard some talking on the other end.
"I don't care what you will sue me for or what you will try to do, LEAVE.MY.FRIEND.ALONE. or so be it your head will be on my wall." more talking. "You know what Kaylia? Kys. Slit your wrists and go through the pain my best friend went through and we will be fine, okay?" the phone clicked off. Maddy looked at me, Her chocolate cheeks growing dimples.

"She will leave you alone now... So wanna get ice cream somewhere?" she flashed me a bright smile and I pulled out of the school parking lot, speechless.

Ayyyyooo . How are ya? Well I hope you liked this chapter, cause it was a kinda like a spontaneous idea cause guess what?... I have no idea where I am heading with thus story, lmao, sorry guys. So I'm really close to being out of school and I have lots of tests coming up so like I might not be able to get chapter 4 as quickly as you want. Sorry.

Thanks for as many reads as there are. That's pretty awesome to me.

Otaku shut-in out!!!

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