Chapter 2

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2 months later

I laid down on my bed. Jesus this school sucks. I had just come from mallard creek high school and I could easily say that I hated it but I have to go there for only two semesters and plus no one knows me; which is fantastic.

Besides I've made one friend and her name is Maddy, just like me she hates just about everything and everyone. She also gave me an idea once I told her about Hannah her exact words were 'well the people at school were horrible to you too but no one cared because you didn't kill yourself about you commit 'suicide' too' my eyes got wide as she explained her plan.

I glanced over at my laptop. I hefted myself up and walked over to sit at my desk where my laptop lived. I opened it slowly, And as I opened the laptop I had to think really long and hard about what I was getting ready to do.

I mean saying I killed myself that's pretty deep, and also kinda wrong, not to mention disturbing.

I launched open the recording app and I saw the little blue microphone pop up. Maddy's idea wasn't that I should make tapes, it was that I should make a podcast 

"It's just like that guy from the scream remake, remember he had ' The Morgue' you should have some other badass name maybe 'Skye's reasons why'" I remember shrugging my shoulders at that name; 'Skye's reasons why?' that sounded weird so I said I would check out the idea but the name had to go.

So that's why I am where I am now, sitting at this desk, my laptop in front of me thinking about whether or not I was going to fake my death to all of the people in my school. I clicked the microphone so I could begin recording.

"Hi guys it's Skye, yeah that gothic girl from school that works at Monet's. You're probably listening to this podcast because you're wondering why I moved away in the middle of my senior year, its okay I don't mind you being nosy, but lets just say, I would do what Hannah Baker did but I don't want to die. Just not yet at least, so as far as any of you know I'm just some girl that cuts herself for attention, right? Wrong. You see sometimes I just feel like I'm drowning in this pitiful world of double standards and cliques of people who are horrible but pretend to be nice, so you are wondering why I left, I'll tell you why"

Skye in 9th grade

I looked up above at everything. High school. Going from the internet there were mixed reviews about this place, some said it was good, some bad; but now it was my turn to actually experience it.

I was in a cute yellow dress and I had asked my mom if I could put on makeup and she said no, but that I could put on mascara and lip gloss so I happily ran to my room to begin practicing.

I took in the big place with about two thousand kids going in this class and that, going to their lockers and also there were couples everywhere, God I couldn't wait to be in love.

I stood in the middle of the hallway looking at my schedule and I appreciated how people just avoided Me and moved out of the way but I was still stuck wondering where room 392. I looked around for someone that was going to go to that room too, but it was so loud and busy and no one was paying attention to me, a lost freshman, because I'm guessing there were many of us.

Suddenly I was on the ground.
"Don't hold up traffic little girl, you should have been at open house figuring this out" snarled this girl with long locks of blonde hair and her makeup done to perfection.

Her eyelashes were long and black, Her platinum blonde hair was straight as an arrow, Her milky skin was flawless and her cold ice blue eyes were very unforgiving. She stepped on my back with her sparkly stiletto heels and I looked up at her meeting her glare.  "Scum freshmen like you should have their own hall, God I cannot wait to leave this school in a few months."

She turned behind her and that's when I noticed her three other friends who were equally as flawless as her. "Come on guys let's go" she walked away from me but not before giving me a disgust nudge with her foot "I hope they come and collect the trash because it stinks" I heard her say as she went to her classes. I picked myself up off of the floor and dusted off my yellow dress which probably had a stiletto print in the back. I held back my tears inhaling and exhaling, roaming around to find my class.
Skye present day

"And ladies and gentlemen this is where it kicked off, that mean girl that I later learned was named Kaylia Williams stepped on me like I was trash and that's when I learned to treat myself like trash. Kaylia Williams if you are still out there somewhere just know that you are the reason I began cutting, I didn't begin on that day but that was the first time you bullied me and it certainly wasn't the last."

"Kaylia did you do it because I was easy prey? Was it because I was a freshman and you were my superior? Or maybe it was because I wouldn't say anything because no one would be listening? Of course thats what it was, because from the minute I stepped foot on that high school campus I would learn that everyone loves to turn a blind eye. 
Come back next week if you want because I'm just getting started. This is Skye Miller make sure you stay tuned in."

Hiiyaa my peoples, how is your day, how is life, the family? Okay cool/ that sucks; first OMG THANKS FOR READING THIS, it may be stupid to you but I'm very happy this book has like 30+ reads Rn. Its super awesome to me, I'm just glad you guys are actually taking time out of your day to read my book. Thank you soooo much. Ilygsm.

And guys I'm so Sorry it's taking kinda long for the next part I got so much going on irl God it's a pain. Well see you in chapter 3.

Otaku shut-in out!!!!!

Exposed ~13rw~ {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora