It's Not Her Time!

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*one month later*

Sam's POV:

I pull the letter out of my bag. Anna's letter to me that our English teacher made us write. I sit at the bench, reading it, a smile on my face.
"Hey Sam.
Thanks for being a great friend. Is that how you're supposed to start these things? Well yeah. Thanks. Sorry I have no idea what I'm writing and this will probably end up being a really long rant on why I love you, so bear with me..."
Everything's so peaceful. Vic walks in, sees me smiling and kisses me on the head, smiling himself as he walks into the kitchen and makes himself a cup of coffee. We sit in silence for a moment when the phone rings. I stand up to get it but Vic beats me to it, smirking at me as he answers the phone. I shake my head, chuckling a little as I go back to reading the letter.
"So anyway I guess what I'm trying to get across is that you're the best friend I've ever had and I love you dearly. More than you will ever know.
Stay strong beautiful.
I love you.
Anna xoxo."
I smile, finishing it and I suddenly realize that it has gone deathly quiet. I look up at Vic who is trying his best to hold it together as he talks to the person on the phone. My heart drops. Vic never, never looks this upset unless something really bad has happened.
"Okay, thank you. We'll come around tomorrow if that's okay? Sure. I'll tell her. I'm so sorry. Bye," he says, hanging up the phone. My heart has dropped into my stomach and is beating rapidly. Vic's eyes meet mine and in an instant I know something terrible has happened.
"What happened Vic?" I ask him quietly, fear shaking my voice.
"Sam, come and sit down with me," he says gently and I follow him over to the couch, sitting next to him and facing him.
"What's going on Vic?" I whisper and he looks at me sadly.
"Oh Sam. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he whispers and my heart rate quickens.
"What happened Vic? Just tell me," I plead and he sighs, taking my hands in his huge ones.
"Sam, Anna got into a car accident today," he says gently and my heart drops. No. Not again.
"The road was too narrow and a drunk truck driver hit her head on. She died instantly," he says and with that sentence, my whole world shatters into a million pieces. All the air escapes my lungs and I let out a strangled sob before I start to bawl. I have possibly never cried more in my entire life.
"Oh Sam, I'm so sorry," Vic whispers as he engulfs me in a hug. I grip onto the back of his shirt tightly. Holding on for dear life as mine starts to dissolve around me. I sob. Heartbreaking, pain-filled sobs that must break Vic's heart. My heart is breaking. I cry for so long, and so hard and when I finally open my eyes, Austin has arrived home and when he sees me crying, he rushes over to me and Vic.
"What happened?" he asks and I turn my face into Vic and sob more as Vic explains that my best friend just died in a car accident. A stupid car accident. Why does it always have to be a car accident?
I'm still holding onto Vic when I feel Austin's hand against the small of my back, comforting. Vic still holds and hugs me as I cry. It feels like I've been crying for hours. More and more people start to arrive home and so Vic picks me up and carries me to my room, laying me down on my bed and closing the door before lying down with me as I continue to cry. I start to calm down after a while, my sobs becoming fewer and far-between. The crying subsides into a soft occasional cry, before a numb feeling takes over, enveloping my whole body. Vic just lies there and watches me cry. I don't mind though and I only really want him.
"Vic," I breathe, my voice hoarse.
"Shhh, go to sleep Sam," he whispers, hugging me tightly as I breathe him in. He is alive. He is safe and my body falls asleep with him pressed up against me.

Jaime's POV:

Me and Tony arrive home from the studio to find Austin, Alex, Jack and Mike sitting on the couches, all looking a bit sombre.
"Why the long faces guys?" I ask, as cheerfully as I can muster but they just look at me blankly. It's then that I hear a faint crying from somewhere down the hallway and I realize the seriousness of the situation. Austin clears his throat.
"Sam's friend Anna died in a car accident today," he says softly and my heart drops. No. She doesn't need this right now. She was just starting to feel good again.
"Is Vic with her?" Tony asks, beside me. Austin nods.
"Good," I say before making my way over to the couch and sitting down next to Mike.
"Gosh, she must be so upset," I breathe.
"I've never seen anybody cry that much in my entire life," Austin says softly.

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