5) Blame

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A/N A new and long part! Sorry it took a while, this probably should have gone up much sooner, I just couldn't be bothered to publish it XD ~ Maddie (CheshireCatLife


I have so much to say now. I know I promised that it would be the last message if you would just explain, but look, you explained nothing. All you explained is that you've been 'busy'. That doesn't help Viktor. I need to know why, but obviously, you don't care.

I don't care anymore either. It's now so very obvious how you feel about me, and I feel the same now. I hate you, despise every bit of you from your name to your appearance and straight down to your personality. You are a liar, and I can't believe I ever fell for your lies. Actually, nevermind, yes, I can. I was always so stupid and too trusting, it's not a surprise that I fell for your lies.

You didn't have to lie, you know that right? You could've just told me straight up how you felt for me.

Those tears, those smiles, those words, was it all just a lie? A cover up for your true intentions?

I wish I could just forget. I wish I could just pretend that none of this happened, but I can't. I have fallen so deep into this ditch you've created for me and now there is no way out. None that I can see, anyway. I can't forget you no matter how much I try. I can't forget those lies, the lies that buried me down here. I regret it all. I regret letting you coach me; I regret ever falling in love.

I hate you now. There is no denying that.

Why does the past like to haunt you? Is it just me who is haunted by the memories of our past? Have I fallen that deep into this thing called love that I have let my own mind rot away?

Of course. You didn't care, you don't care and you never will. So, I'm done.

I'm done with it all. Except for one thing. The one thing that has ever given me relief, the one thing that I felt somewhat safe doing. Even though it comes with the horrible memory of you, at least we will be rivals when we meet again on it.

The ice.

That's what brought us together, that's what tore us apart.

I know you won't take these words seriously, I know you won't care about them. But I do. They are my words, the words that I have come to believe in as truth.

Now, I should end this letter before my anger takes hold of me more so than it already has.

Goodbye Victor, see you in Barcelona.


Yuri Katsuki.

Yuri could feel himself panting. He was furious. He had finally said it. He had finally got it out of him. His anger and sadness had fused to be one and he had finally let one go. That still left one with him, though. He only knew of one way to get rid of sadness. That, that was skating.

Yet, skating had so many bad connotations. It meant Viktor, it meant love, it meant life. And, he hated all three. But that no longer matter, skating got rid of his sadness so he would do it until the pain stopped. Even if that meant forever.

The rink wasn't far so he ended up walking, trudging along with his hands stuffed in his pockets. It was cold, not snowing yet somehow it felt as if snow was hitting his skin. Maybe he was just wishing for the pain. He wanted repercussions for what he sent and if Viktor wouldn't be the one to supply it, he would.

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