After three hours she finally finished fixing or what she calls as dolling me up and she calls her masterpiece, or that's what she says.

I looked myself in the mirror and I felt like I was a different girl, this girl in front of me wasn't me. I was wearing the dress we bought, the shoes I was wearing was color yellow just like the dress and my hair was fixed into a messy bun with hair falling from the sides. She was right, I definitely looked like a princess. I never felt this beautiful in my life, ever.

"See what I'm telling you Kate? You can be this beautiful if have a little fun, don't always hide yourself in books and not let others discover the beauty that you have. Just look at you! You're a true, real life princess that just popped out of nowhere. Now let's show a Camille and her sidekicks what beautiful looks like." She said and she didn't look bad also, she was wearing a Hawaiian costume and I don't know what it is or who she is supposed to be.

We got to the house which I think are the twins house, just from the outside it was wild, messy, and a lot of words that are similar to teenagers.

"Are you sure about this Alexa?" I asked feeling a bit unsure of the decision I did.

"Yes, I am very sure about it. No stop being a drama queen and eats get inside." She said and pulled me inside. Why is everybody staring at me? Is it the dress?

Now I feel uncomfortable...someone please help me.

Kyle's POV
I arrived in the house where the party was being held and Jake texted me to meet him in the garden where it is quite peaceful and not chaotic. And I was able to get to the sea of people jumping up and down to the beat of the music and I saw Jake near a really big tree.

"Hey Kyle! What the hell are you wearing man?" Jake asked feeling a bit stunned

"It's just a prince costume to inform you, have you forgotten Disney man? See you really that old to not remember that?" I asked

"Hey dude, I still remember those even now, little sis makes me watch those with her. It's a nightmare and I can't do stuff I want." He said feeling a bit defeated.

"Look at you...I never expected you to be so under your sister man...haha and you're wearing a Tarzan costume. You could have just gone naked with what you're wearing right now." I just laughed at him

"It's not my fault I'm so deadly gorgeous and handsome and besides she cries then my mom blames me and threatens to not give me money every day. You know how important money is to me right?" He said and nudged my shoulder.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I can also feel the air in here. So money is basically your life now huh Jake?"

"Let's not talk about me. What you're wearing isn't any of the Disney princes I watched in the shows Kyle."

"So you're now a Disney expert? You're so whipped about it, you've got to see someone already in your condition Jake. I'm serious man, no joke."

"Oh cut it out and I'm also serious here Kyle. You want me to talk about you Kate condition right here, right now?" Now that caught me red handed

"Ok man I'll stop it" I said

"Now answer my question man. I've been bugging you about already." Jake said and shaked me

"About what was it again Jake?"

"Come on, I just said Kate's name and it's all tipsy turvy in your mind? Now you're the one with the condition."

"Jake! Just stop it, someone might hear and besides I was just playing and joking around with you."

"Yeah right" and I can feel full sarcasm in his voice

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