"I do have the training, but trust me, sir. I am the best fighter you will ever have. You're going to want me in your army." I smile, knowing its the truth. I'm skilled more than most people, especially with my fathers military background. He was special ops in Italy, before coming to America.

"I'd like to see this skill then." He takes out his phone and speaks to someone on the other line. "Come to my office." He hangs up and after ten minutes there's a knock on the door. "Come in."

"You needed to see me?" A man, about 26 years old I would say, steps inside. He's the best looking man my eyes have ever seen. He's tall, nearly 6'4 and every inch of him is pure muscle. He has dark short hair that sweeps a little onto his forehead. His eyes are a piercing dark blue and they land on mine. His expression remains impassive as he looks back at the director.

"Hello Carter. Katrina here would like to join the army, she says she's the best. You're my best soldier here, I'd like to see you both sparr. Let's see what she's made of, shall we." Director Reed stands from his desk and adjusts his tie. I rise from my chair and turn towards Carter.

He smirks at me and opens the door. "Lets go, princess."

My eyes shoot daggers at him. "Don't call me princess." I brush past him and stand outside. "Lead the way."

His eyes roll as he passes me and heads into the direction of the training room. I follow the both of them and walk into the large room. I look around at the many men training, sparring and working out. They turn towards us and whistle at me.

I roll my eyes and follow Carter as he leads a path through the crowd. They all back up and give him space. He turns towards me and starts taking off his hoodie. "Let's see what your made of, princess."

I glare as I take off my leather jacket and toss it out of the way. I sweep my dark brown, almost black, hair up into a messy bun. "You're on."

Taking my place across from him, I get into a fighting stance. He does the same and looks over at the Director.

"Begin." The director commands and Carter turns back at me.

"Careful, princess. Don't want you getting hurt." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

I place my arms behind my back, fighting no-handed. "You can try your best, sweetheart."

He steps and takes a swing and I lean backwards, dodging it. He takes another and I repeat the move in the opposite direction, and bend. I kick his legs out from under him and he falls flat on the matt.

I smile, bending down. Men behind me look as if they just saw a ghost. Their jaws hit the floor and their eyes bug out of their head. "Where's that confidence now, sweetheart?"

He glares and flips up to his feet. "Okay, I wont go so easy on you this time." He takes his stance.

"I guess I'll use my hands this time." I smile and wait for his next move. I analyze which leg steps first. Left. Right hand swings first. He's a righty. I smile, dodging his swing and grasp his arm. I pin it behind him and he grunts.

He twists and somehow manages not to dislocate his arm as he breaks free of my grasp. He twists my body and pulls my back against him, pinning my arms to my chest in front of me. I brace them and shove them downwards to release them from his grasp. He kicks my leg from behind and I fall. He laughs and bends down. "There's my confidence, princess."

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