Chapter 32

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"Why are we here" I said, staring at the shopping center before me.

Mr. Vervain left the car, disregarding my question. I glared at him hoping the reason had nothing to do with me. He opened the door, and waited for me to retrieve.

His look was threatening, and it spoke volumes. I couldn't keep my thoughts to myself, I wouldn't be Aster if I did.

"If you're going to do what I think you are, then you've crossed the line" I said with a stern voice.

He raised his eyebrow, but his frustration was as clear as the night sky.

But Mr. Vervain didn't falter. 

His stubbornness kept growing thicker after every fight we've had. 

He stood there unmoving, and waited.

His eyes pierced straight through me, challenging me to extend this issue.

"I'm not a charity case. I have feelings" I stood up with confidence. "Do you think this situation, this issue you want to solve would fix me? Would it heal my wounds?"

People have scars in all sorts of unexpected places. Most of our old wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them, don't. Some wounds, we carry with us everywhere... and though the cut is long gone, the pain still lingers.

Mr. Vervain slammed the door and stepped closer. "Do you really think I pity you?" and closer, "That I would gain honorable deeds when I buy you something nice to wear?" His breathing escalated.

I looked at him not knowing what to say.

Anger was clouding my judgment, but I felt too weak at this moment, too unfortunate. This rage had been my only defense mechanism, my only armor to what really lay beneath.

"I'll tell you how I think Aster"

He moved his hand to his face, pressing his finger between his eyes to collect himself.

"I don't want you to go back to your place. I'm doing what you think is the impossible, to keep you close to me" He softly touched my arm "To protect you"

"I don't need protecting!" I refused to understand his logic, he made sense, but I was overwhelmed with this side to him.

"You do" He stated firmly. Even though his words were expressive, his seriousness remained steady.

"You're so bipolar. Every time gravity pulls us together, you tell me and I quote, 'This is wrong'" 

The second I want to succumb to him, to hold him, to claim him as mine, something always gets in our way.

Mr. Vervain was expressionless. I waited for him, to counteract what I just said, to tell me that this isn't wrong.

Our eyes entwined, acknowledging our reality.

"You're right Aster." Every word he uttered sounded forced.

My heart constricted. I replayed his words 'Don't give up on me, remember?'

Mr. Vervain stepped back, placing his arm to the side.

"I won't come close to you." He pierced my soul "Watching you from a distance is enough"

It felt like someone extracted my soul, I couldn't breathe.

"That is why, I need to get you something to wear, just for tonight. Please" He sighed, pain occupied his eyes.

"What about the Nanny? I don't want to- " I covered my face with my right hand, "I can't deal with this. Don't you understand, my emotions are overflowing..."

I gazed intently at him. I wanted any excuse to show him that I had no place in his home, I couldn't survive this feeling of being jealous.

"I got rid of her" He returned my gaze with a soft one.

I sighed. "Why Mr. Vervain?"

"I know how you feel Aster" He seemed distant. He rolled up his sleeves, swaying his eyes over every inch of me.

"Let's go Aster." He headed towards the shops, taking my heart with him.

Love Bound (Student/Teacher) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن