Grant: hearing from Conor

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I didn't do much the rest of the morning. Aidan got pushed outside to finish chores, but I stayed on the couch, feeling fine, but a little sorry that my own mother had shot me. The more I thought about it, the more ludicrous it was. Why would she think I would bite her?

"Finally," Aidan sighed, coming back into the house. He slunk into couch next to me. "You feel like going back to the shop? I think I might take a nap."

"I don't sleep," I pointed out.

"But who else will be my pillow?" he questioned, snuggling next to me.

Other members of the pack were not far behind. I heard Aidan's stomach growl and I laughed, patting his torso.

"How about we eat first," I pointed out, and pulled him up with me. "Come on."

Aidan grumbled, but draped his arms over my shoulders, walking in tandem to the kitchen.

"Leftovers," Mel announced. "Fend for yourselves, there's plenty in the fridge."

The cheering was abruptly cut off when the phone rang. We all quieted, watching Mel pick the phone up. She frowned at the number.


"Hello Mel," Conor replied.

Mel mouthed for someone to get Ralph. Keith bobbed his head and sprinted outside. We huddled close, not saying a word.

"Conor? Conor, where are you? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," Conor replied. "I'm somewhere in Illinois. It's not as cold here. Stefa has a house."

"Oh." Mel's frown deepened. "So you're still with her?"


He sounded very definitive about it. I had also half hoped that Conor would be coming back. Mel stared at the phone for a long moment and then toward the door. Keith and Ralph were sprinting back to the house.

"Stefa wanted me to call," Conor continued when Mel didn't. "We're fine. She made me try on like, a hundred suits this week, but other than that, I'm fine. Well, she's less fine; Stefa tried blood sausage yesterday. Apparently it's gross."

Katie smirked. I tried to imagine Conor in a suit and failed utterly. Had Stefa made him cut his hair too? Surely not. But it did leave me to consider that Aidan would look outstanding in a suit. Maybe I would procure one.

Mel laughed. "Oh Conor, I'm so sorry. I should have never gotten angry with you. Aidan, Daria and Grant, they're still here. Aidan and Grant are the new Brian and Katie, but so much worse. I don't think I'll get used to the whole soul mate situation."

Casey elbowed me with a smile. Aidan kissed my cheek, unmoving from his position wrapped around my shoulders.

"I'm glad they're home," Conor replied.

"I wish you'd come home," Mel remarked.

Keith and Ralph made it back to the house. We made room for Ralph to stand next to Mel.

"I'm happy here," Conor said, ignoring Mel's statement. "Stefa says we can visit, if you'd like. Or maybe you guys could visit?"

"Is he okay?" Ralph whispered. "Can we come get him?"

"No, he's still with Stefa," Mel whispered back. "He doesn't sound like he wants to come home."

"Damn it," Ralph sighed.

"Mel?" Conor inquired.

"Oh sorry, Conor. Here, Ralph would like to talk to you."

The phone shuffled around and Ralph quietly breathed. I could see that he was struggling with his emotions, though whether he was angry or upset I couldn't tell. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling; he had practically raised Conor, and Conor had walked out as if none of that meant anything.

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