Chapter 10: pasta interlude

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The meeting adjourned when it devolved into shouting incoherently at each other. No one could agree on what to do with Stefa. Stefa linked arms with me as we walked from the room.

"I hear the kitchen is fully stocked," Stefa told me. "After that, I think even I would be ready to eat something."

"We could find some more blutwurst," I teased.

Stefa shuddered. There were a couple humans in the kitchen when we entered, though they all stopped what they were doing when Stefa entered the room.

"As you were," she waved a hand. "You know, I've never asked how this works; do you all make a meal together or something?"

She directed this question to one of the humans in the room.

"We used to, ma'am," the girl bowed. "It's more everyone for themselves now."

"Very well. Conor, find some noodles. Let's see what we can make."

"'re cooking, ma'am?" asked another young man.

"You were all there. I can't very well go into the drawing room for a glass of sherry and chat about the good ol' times, now can I?" She leaned towards me. "Though, truthfully. I've always found sherry to be a little gross, even when I was human."

She opened the fridge to find a package of chicken breasts. I found noodles in the cabinet and soon Stefa was showing me how to make chicken parmesan. It was such an oddly normal thing, that I could forget we were in a house where most of the occupants wanted us dead. The humans fetched spices and other things Stefa needed and soon, the dish was in the oven. Stefa started on a batch of sugar cookies, setting me to work on the glaze.

"Back to your old hobbies I see," Jackson remarked, stepping through the doorway. "Smells like you haven't lost your touch."

I set my jaw when he entered, turning away so he couldn't see my eyes.

"Cooking is relaxing," Stefa replied. "And as I was telling Conor, my being with the rest of you isn't going to make matters less tense."

"True," he admitted. "I was a little surprised at how you had vanished in this small house."

He leaned against the countertop to watch. The humans, who had relaxed somewhat with Stefa and I, were now tense and frightened again. I set the glaze aside and handed Stefa a cookie sheet.

"So what's Grant like?" Jackson inquired. "I've only heard stories."

"Conor knew him better than I," Stefa answered, nudging me in the side.

"He's...odd," I shrugged, unsure what I was supposed to say. "I never got the impression he liked being a hunter. I'm sure he's not thrilled being a vampire, but the other hunters treated him with such...reverence. It was weird."

"Wait, he's still alive?" Jackson asked incredulously.

"As far as I know, yes," I told him.

He shook his head. "What a world."

The timer buzzed and Stefa pulled the chicken parmesan out of the oven, putting the cookies in directly after. I found some plates and a serving spoon, scooping out some for myself before offering plates to the humans in the room. Jackson frowned at the dish.

"I should find Lacy and make sure she eats," he noted and walked from the room.

"It's delicious, thank you," I said, after taking a bite.

Stefa was still frowning after Jackson and I tried to quell the bubble of jealousy in my chest. She seemed to know that I was frowning and she put her hand on my shoulder.

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