Chapter 4

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Samantha's POV

I finished unpacking my clothes before my roommate had got here honestly I wasn't trying to meet anybody new cause I had Amanda. I hate meeting new people ..
Cause they be fake as fuck but whatever I guess I just gotta get thru college just like I did with high school and make this cash.
I didn't feel like unpacking but I knew that I damn sure wasn't going to do it later so I took my balled up clothes that I had balled up in my duffle bag earlier and started folding them on my bed waiting to meet my new roommate I kept looking in my bag for my sheets and I had totally forgot to pack fuckin sheets.
I thought to just go to Amanda's room to grab some sheets from her until I can go buy some for myself, I walked to the door tripping over my duffle bag opening the door acting as if I didn't even trip and I was so glad nobody seen that clumsy shit either I walked quietly down the hall looking for Amanda's room it didn't seem to far when we was yelling out the door to each other but since I'm lazy as fuck it was far to me.
When I got to her door I knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer and this tall ass bitch came to the door half my size looked at me like she was confused as to why I was there.
"Who the fuck is you and where is my fuckin best friend at?" I asked.
"Ooohh that attitude but Ard so I'm Janae and I'm a great person I love animals and my favorite color is red -.
"What are u telling me for ?" I asked cutting her off with an attitude.
"Well you the one who asked who I am well no you asked who the FUCK I was, so I'm giving you a brief description on who I am" she said sarcastically
"Sam? That's you, Janae let her in please I'm tired of hearing you two" said Amanda who appeared to be sitting on her bed laughing when I walked in.
Janae bumped my shoulder while she was walking out into the hallway going wherever she was going.
Can I borrow some sheets I left mine at home and who is this tall Godzilla lookin mf with dreads who just bumped me with that heavy ass shoulder?
"Be nice please that is my roommate don't say shit about me not having a roommate because I didn't think I would have a roommate either"Amanda said while side eying me and rolling her eyes while passing me a black pair of folded sheets.
"Did your roommate ever come?" She asked after passing me the sheets.
Nah but I guess she on her way and I guess we was early since both of our roommates got here after us. What u wanna do tonight since it's Friday..? Movie night?
"Nah it's only like 7 so i don't know yet but if anything pops up I'll let you know"Amanda said while looking up toward the door noticing Janae coming back into the room. My eyes followed her as she went to go sit down on her bed and went to go look through her suitcase.
"Alrighty well Ima go and wait for my roommate to get here so I can meet this girl"
I said as I opened the door to leave.
"Bye bestie Ima text u whenever we bout to go out anywhere" Amanda said while walking me out.
Alright best friend I'll see u later I said as I walked out the door making my way back to my room.

When I got to my room I opened the door and then started to put the sheets on my bed with the door open waiting for my roommate to walk in anytime this evening. I folded my comforter up to put at the bottom of my bed and I sat on my bed watching YouTube videos and suddenly heard someone talking loudly in the hallway, A tall light skin girl with this long nappy straight so called Brazilian weave wore black heels and booty shorts, she came in with this glittery black crop top and the glittery eye shadow to match with these long ass spider eyelashes. The crop top just was so ugly that shit just looked a mess to me, I started to say hi and introduce myself but shawty was already on the phone coming in loud asshit cutting me off before I could even say anything.
"Biiiiiisshhhhh Tanisha Get on my fuckin nerves bro I hate that whore this why we broke up now andddddddd she don't know how to eat pussy right anyway.!! That dumb ass bitch erks my life." She said loudly while dropping her suitcases down on the floor and tossing her shoes on her bed slamming the door behind her.
She looked at me and I looked at her with silence then she continued talking on the phone loudly.
"Bish so I guess this my roommate this bitch had the audacity not to speak and acknowledge me when I came into the room" She said while rolling her eyes.
Who you callin a bitch ? I asked while raising an eyebrow.
"And who you talking to ? Cause if the shoe fit then wear it, you better recognize who I am" she said while holding the phone and applying more lipgloss.
This bitch didn't need no more lipgloss those lips looked greasy as it is.
"Bitch I don't know you and won't recognize a loud ass bitch who ain't classy and u trashy u look like a hoe and baby that weave u got sewed into that little bit of hair you got thinking it's real, it's time to let that go or spray some raid on that rat cause it's dead bitch" I said while laughing.
"Girl Ima call u back I might have to fight me a bitch on the first day" she said while hanging up on her friend.
I stood up and walked toward her face noticing how short she was towards me without her heels on so I backed up calmly going back to my bed.
Ehh not a fair fight cause I don't fight bitches shorter than me so get somebody for me I said while laying down hanging my feet off the bed.
"Bitch and that fake ass hair you got girl that ponytail definitely ain't real so.. why come at my $160 weave??" She asked while laughing.
Bitch you thought this was weave in all reality this my real hair you mad cause yours don't past ya neck? I asked.
She charged toward me with her heel and ended up throwing that shit toward me,
I caught her heel with two hands and threw it back. She didn't try to catch her heel back instead she let it drop on the floor.
I don't want that cause I don't wear heels but nice try trying to fuck up my face cutie pie you crazy and I like that but Next time I won't care about ya height Ima drag you by ya rat and fuck you up I said while rolling my eyes.
She rolled her eyes and started to unpack while sitting on her bed and texting.
I know she was definitely mad as hell.

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