Chapter Eleven - Mason's POV

Start from the beginning

A burst of pleasure and lust rocked my body and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She should definitely think about wearing stuff like that to school. I silently laughed at the thought of her turning up looking like that. She'd definitely have more than my eyes on her that's for sure.  

Making her way over to the window she- wait, she was coming this way. Oh crap! Pressing my body flush against the wall I gripped either side of the red ivy that trailed up the front of her house, silently praying she didn't recognise my scent or even worse, see me.

Rain didn't seem like a violent girl, but I was sure she wouldn't be too pleased with some guy hanging outside her window in the dark. The window opened and I was instantly hit by the scent that whipped my wolf into overdrive. Because she was close, her scent was so much stronger forcing me to use all of my strength not to let the purr of ecstasy escape my throat.

God this girl was killing me and if I had to hold my breath for much longer she literally would as well. It didn't help to have the sweet smell of vanilla and roses whirl around me, I could already feel it becoming my personal heroin.

After what felt like hours of grasping hold of the wooden trellis and ivy for dear life, I heard the faint patter of footsteps and I knew she had moved away. Leaning round to look in her room I caught her sliding her tiny body under the sheets and resting her head against the pillow.

I had no idea what I was doing here in the first place, but something about being close to her pleased my wolf and made him relax. Lately I had trouble keeping still for longer than a minute so the feeling of being completely content had become something that I wasn't used to. I don't know how long I watched her sleep, but when I knew I had to leave I found myself not wanting to.

* * *

As soon as the front door clicked shut my father had called me into his office. Everyone in the house was asleep so instead of walking through the main hall, I used the side door so I didn't wake anyone. "Where have you been?" My father asked as soon as I walked in.

He motioned for me to take a seat in front of him. "I went out." I shrugged. He knew nothing about Rain and it was going to stay that way. It wasn't against any rules to reject your mate, but it was frowned upon. 

Slouching back into the deep red leather chair, I stared at my father across the black oak table in front of him. His papers were stacked high, mostly to do with the packs finances, so I knew what he had been doing up so late.

"Out?" He pressed. Clearly my answer wasn't enough for him. I nodded once, having no intention of adding any more details. Giving me a heavy sigh his eyes fell back to the paperwork in front of him. "The one thing I won't miss when you become Alpha." He mumbled as he filed the rest of the bank statements.

Finances were never my father's strong point. He knew how to spend money well and the pack had everything we needed, but he hated numbers and every time he had to do something like that, he would pass it to me. "So..." I trailed off. Not really knowing how to start the next conversation.

Thankfully he seemed to get it the first time. "It was a shock, wasn't it?" Shock was an understatement. "I didn't expect Nicky to pick little Rainie as his Beta." He said almost to himself and I couldn't agree more. "She's going to need a lot of training."

It was a rarity and quite frankly an honour for a femme wolf to be chosen as a Beta. In all of the packs I had met or heard of, The Shadow Pack will be the first to have a female second in command.

And she's ours. My wolf boasted and I could feel him almost burst with pride.

"I've agreed that they can use our land to train with Richard." He paused and just as I was about to ask why, he continued, guessing what I was about to say. "They couldn't possibly run in open land Mason, it wouldn't be safe for them." I nodded. It was ironic really, I had rejected her because I thought she couldn't lead my pack and there she was, a Beta to her own one.

My father's voice interrupted my thoughts. "You're training seems to be going well, son. Jasper told me you've made a lot of progress lately."

I shrugged, "Yeah, it's not too bad." Even though I wasn't due to take over until my eighteenth birthday, I'd been in training for the Alpha position since I was fourteen so I was used to it. "Pretty much got the hang of everything, I just need to strengthen up more."

"All that will come in time, Mason." Entwining his hands, he leaned forward resting his arms on the desk. "You're already a strong wolf, you've got good genes." He smiled. He was right. My father, my uncle, my grandfather and his father were all Alphas of The Harbour Pack, so I was just the latest of a long line of wolves to lead this pack.

I shifted in my seat, a little wary of bringing this up. It wasn't something anyone mentioned, but it angered me. "I'm still not happy about your decision dad." It was a tough subject to approach and I knew it meant a lot to him, but myself along with the majority of the pack just couldn't understand it. "Do you really think it's safe to have them here?"

His features instantly hardened. "I know how you feel son, but there was no other decision to be made. She belongs here with her pack and I, as you know, am not one to go against tradition."    

I snorted. He had to be joking. "You're kidding, right? All this over a stupid tradition? None of the pack would care about that, they just want her gone." As if it wasn't already bad enough what she did, now she practically gets full reign of the house.

"First off, you will not speak to me like that Mason." The veins bulged out of his temples. "And Carmen is not to blame in this. You have no idea what happened and as usual everyone is going on idle gossip. She deserves to be in this pack just as much as anyone else does and I won't have you or anyone else saying anything different."

I couldn't believe this guy sometimes. "What about mom? What does she think?" My mom, Louise, has always been a pack member. Her and my father went to school together and realised they were mates three months after their first date.

"Your mother is a true woman, a true person with a good nature and she agrees that some things should be left in the past. She understands what happened and knows the full story, therefore she can make a proper decision and she chose to agree with me on this matter."  


"The conversation is over Mason." And with that my father vanished and the Alpha took over. His head lowered back to his papers, signalling it was time for me to leave.

God this place was a joke sometimes. In every pack meeting he spoke about how we are all a team and we were in everything together. 'If one of us falls, there will always be someone to pick us up.'

It was a load of crap. The minute he decided to take her back it was practically a smack in the face for the rest of us. One thing's for sure, when I'm Alpha she is out of this house and she's never to return.

Changing out of my clothes I walked over to bed in just my boxers. It wasn't warm, but with the temperature werewolves run at, the cold air didn't make a difference to me. Looking at the clock I saw it was a little past three in the morning and as soon as I fell back onto the softness of my bed I instantly felt tired and my body begin to slowly shut down.

As much as I wanted to understand my father's reasons I couldn't help but wonder what he had meant when he said I didn't know the full story. I mean, what else could there be? Even if I didn't know the little details, I knew enough and that's exactly why I didn't want a mate.

Some people were lucky to find that one special person who 'completes' them. Personally I think all that should be kept for the romance stories. This was real life and that kind of thing doesn't happen.

Shutting out my wolf, I made a decision that I should have stuck with when I first rejected her. I was going to carry on with life as if I'd never met her, as if I'd never found out that she was my mate.  

As from now, Rainie Harper was just another girl.

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