Chapter seven: A queenless king

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The final chapter! Please enjoy!


'So, this dwarf of yours, what else can he do?' Thranduil asked while we walked through Rivendell.

The moon still shone wonderfully and all the flowers that were hung were beautiful in the light. 'And who hung these flowers so askew?' He asked. 'I did, and I think they're beautiful.' I said.

'They are, they truly are. You know, in Mirkwood, we have these lights too. They're hidden in the forest but you can see them every time the night falls. The dark night gets spilt into pieces by the light and it is beautiful to see them while you walk through the kingdom. We don't have as much light as Rivendell Elves have, but we enjoy the trees and the beautiful vaults with stunning arches and rough rivers with small bridges to get you to the other side. The forest is truly enchanting and the sound of the waterfalls is as if Mirkwood softly welcomes you home again...' He spoke and looked up to the night sky as he talked. I knew he felt the desire to travel back to his kingdom and home. He spoke of it as if it was the most beautiful thing on Middle-Earth. 'And? Tell me more about it.' I encouraged him but he shook his head and smiled at me. 'You should come with me and visit it. I dare not to spoil Mirkwood's beauty for you will lose the desire to see it for yourself. Besides, it's more beautiful than words can ever describe... you'll fit perfectly in my kingdom.' He added and looked at me briefly. The kindness in his voice and the warmth in his eyes felt like coming home again.

'It's really odd, but it feels as if I know you for hundreds of years, is that feeling mutual?' He asked and looked into my eyes. It seemed as if he looked into my soul since that was the exact way I felt so I nodded slightly as a response.

'So, that dwarf of yours, does he have such a beautiful home?' He changed the subject and I shook my head immediately. 'No, he doesn't.'

'Is he a king under the mountain?'

'No, he isn't.'

'Does he really care for you and will he be there for you whatever comes?'

'No, I believe he wouldn't.'

'Is he here with you now?' He asked softly.

'No, he isn't here.' I answered.

'Then I suggest you put this foolish dwarf out of your head immediately.' He whispered and stopped walking for a moment.

'I could give you Mirkwood, the beauty it possesses and a life full of riches.' He said, suddenly serious.

'I don't desire riches.' I said.

'You could get whatever you desire. I could bring it to you.' He leaned on the railing of the bridge I had told Elrond a story about and stared into the clear deep water for a moment. I stood beside him, wondering what he meant as he looked up to meet my eyes. His eyes were the same colour as the water underneath the bridge. They were beautiful and breathtaking. But most important of all, they were kind and full of affection.

'You should know that I have lived a long life among the Woodland Elves. And I have travelled to many other Elven kingdoms and met many people. But most of all I have stayed in Mirkwood, alone. The long life of an Elf can be tortuous when he doesn't find something to live for, someone to live with. I have been searching for that someone, but I could never find her. I could never find someone worthy to be the queen of Mirkwood. And now... I believe I have...'

He shoved his ring off his slender pale fingers and held it into the moonlight. It was a silver ring with a wonderful huge white stone on it. 'It's not much since I did not think I'd find that someone tonight. But this will do temporarily.' He looked me right in my eyes as he softly whispered: 'Would you be that someone for me? Would you be the queen for this queenless king? Would you... marry me?'

'I know it's fast, maybe too fast in your eyes. But take this ring and come with me to Mirkwood to think of it all. Take your time to think of your answer. A hundred years is a near blink in the life of an Elf. I am patient. I can wait until the time is right.' He added as I looked at him, clearly confused.

I searched his eyes and found nothing but true affection and desire for me to answer to his liking. Sadness and maybe even insecurity lied hidden in his shining eyes but the lights of hope, truth and love danced in them too. It wasn't something I should think of, it was an answer I should feel. And honestly, every little thing in me screamed the answer. It was as if my mouth already moved without me knowing it but I couldn't make a sound yet.

Until the time is right. The time was right. Right now. A smile appeared on my face and that sign made more hope appear in the eyes of Thranduil. He really meant this. He really cared for me. He really loved me.

'Yes.' I said and smiled brighter. 'Yes, I'd love to!' My smile turned into chuckling and laughing happily. My laugh was accompanied by his joyful laugh as he shoved the ring on my finger and kissed the back of my hand tenderly with his soft lips. He then looked up, smiling brightly. His face showed more joy than ever before as he stared into my eyes. 'May I kiss my futurebride?' He asked and his smile bridened as I nodded.

And he kissed me.

The king of Mirkwood kissed me, the futur queen. It was a feeling I won't try to describe for none simply can. No jewel can show that feeling, no poem can describe it and no voice clear enough can sing words well-chosen enough to come close to that feeling. I knew Elrond was watching us but didn't care. He must be proud of me.

I removed my hand from the railing of the bridge out of my story and placed it in his hair as white as winter snow. I had finally found my king and he had finally found his queen. I enjoyed the tendency of his kiss.

Yes, maybe I had a lot to learn since you can definitely call that a kiss. I let the pastry in my spare hand fall to the ground: this was much better.


Hey there! So that was it. It's over. Or if you want me to make anothr chapter... in that case: feel free to request anything. Anything at all. Even for other characters. I really hope you liked the short story and please tell me what you think about it!

I didn't think I'd find a picture of 'that loving look' I had imagined in my head while writing this, but I've found a picture that comes pretty close to the thoughts I had. I've put it above. He's so gorgeous and I love the way he looks in this picture. So calming and lovable... 

Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I really hope I made you smile with this story!


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