Chapter six: My imaginary dwarf

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Walking wasn't without difficulties; my legs felt weak and they didn't want to move away from Thranduil. On my way to the table that was filled with good food I bumped into Elrond who could just catch me before falling. 'Are you alright?' He asked as he placed me back on my two feet. 'Yes, thank you, Elrond.' I said and smiled.

''I saw you were dancing with king Thranduil of Mirkwood. And I thought that... are you sure you're alright?' He asked as I almost fell again because of my weak knees. Elrond grabbed my hand and wrapped an arm around my waist to support me.

'Oh, I see what you have. You are not ill.' Elrond said and smirked at me. 'Have you found your king like the maiden found hers?' He asked and his smile brightened as I slightly nodded. 'Then why do you go and search for food when he's waiting for you? Leave those things and return to him!' Elrond said and didn't support me anymore, which caused me to fall. And there was no one to catch me before I hit the ground so I lied there on the cold hard floor.

A childlike laughing filled my ears with joy. Thranduil came towards me and Elrond, laughing on his way. 'Are you alright, my lady?' He asked with a smirk on his face and held out his hand. 'Yes, thank you.' I said and took his hand. He helped me rise. When I felt the solid ground underneath my feet again Elrond had gone and I found him glancing at us with a knowing smirk on his face.

'How do you manage to fall so often?' Thranduil asked. 'Why didn't you manage to catch me before I did? It appears that ageing makes you slow.' I said. 'Does it?' He said and jumped. He landed on the large table, carefully balancing on the edge, and ran over it on the tips of his toes without touching any of the food. Within a few seconds, he was on the other side of the large table and grabbed two pastries and within ten seconds he was back next to me and handed me one.

'Impressive, but not that good: I've seen better.' I lied and took a bite of the sweet food. 'Really?' he asked with hidden insecurity and I nodded. 'Yes, you know, I've once met a dwarf who could run so fast, he ran through Rivendell within five seconds and came back with wine to prove it. He could dance pretty well too, better than you did, that's for sure.' I lied and grinned at him.

He looked slightly angry that I compared him to a dwarf but accepted the silent challenge. 'Was there more this... dwarf... could do well?' He asked. 'Yes, he was so quick that he could catch me every time I fell.' I lied. 'Oh, really?' Tranduil said before pushing me. He ran to the other side of the square and ran with a speed that allowed him to run on the high windows for a brief moment. He picked a flower from the top of the window and ran back. He caught me just before I hit the ground.

I was expecting to feel the cold hard floor again, but instead of cold I felt warmth and softness. Thranduil had me inside his embrace and placed me carefully on my feet again. He handed me the beautiful shining rose and the pastry I had almost thrown on the floor. 'Fast enough?' He asked, convinced he did it better than the dwarf I had made up. 'Coming close.' I lied.

'Why don't we go for a walk and you can tell me all about your special dwarf.' He said and I agreed. 


I hope you liked it! Just look at the picture I've put above: that's the face he'll make when you'll tell his that he's only "comming close"  to you're amazing but totally made up dwarf. Poor thing! You're driving him into despair! ;-) Look at him desperately trying to prove himself for you! ;-) 

Thank you so much for reading! Please comment and vote and stay tuned for the next part!


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