Calling Her

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Your POV

I had to call bf/n. It's been way too long since we've seen each other. Let alone communicated at all. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. "Hello?" I heard. (Y: You/B: best friend)

Y: Hey, bf/n!

B: Y/n? Is that you?

Y: Sure is!

B: It's been so long!

Y: Yeah, like 4 months (I time skipped from the time the shape-shifter was defeated to when to explored portals, ok?)

B: I know! How have you been?

Y: Great! You?

B: Well, it's been kinda lonely without you...

Y: Oh.. yeah

B: But I'm fine otherwise!

Y: That's wonderful

B: So, why are you calling anyways?

Y: Well, I'm engaged!

B: wh-what?

Y: Yeah! Lukas proposed!

B: Oh...

Y: What's wrong?

B: Well, that means you'll be living together after the wedding... and I just feel like you've forgotten all about me... what will I become if you don't remember me?

Y: I- Bf/n... I didn't realize you felt that way... you're always going to be my best friend, no matter what

B: The last time you said that was when you left for Endercon. Four months ago. And this is the first time I've heard from you since! Because you're so caught up with your new fiance, you ignore me as if you don't know who I even am anymore!

Y: You know I never meant to hurt you! You know I don't want anything more than to be around you like old times


Y: I...


Y: i'm part of the Order of the Stone now...

B: Of course you are. Why was I even excited that you called?

Y: Wait! I-

And then she hung up. So I sat on the floor and started to cry. I lost my friend, because of love. Now I know what people mean when they say: Love can hurt. I felt someone sit down next to me. Lukas. I pushed him away. "Look, I don't want to talk to you. I just lost my best friend because of our engagement. If anything, you're the last person I want to be around right now," I growled. "What do yo-" he started. "She's never going to trust me again. She hates me now. And you're just going to sit here and try to help me! Well, guess what? You can't! because this is YOUR FAULT!" I shouted. i ran out of the building and took off as far as I could. I made sure I didn't run into anybody. I made sure I was somewhere nobody could find me. I made sure that I could find the portal. I would go home. I would make up with Bf/n. i would forget Lukas.

A few miles away, I stopped. I realized. I just completely left my true love. For my old friend. This is my fault. My fault for falling for Lukas. my fault for letting him invite me into the OOTS. My fault that I got rid of Bf/n. What kind of monster am I?

A lost, distraught, terrible monster.

I've ruined myself.

MCSM - Lukas x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum