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Your POV

"Look," Payton said. "If we want to get CJ help, we're going to skip all that for now." she gave Georgia a scolding look, as if she wasn't supposed to say anything. "Come on," Georgia said, she led us over to a giant building with a large red cross on the front. The inside was huge. Many people were there, and they all looked sick or hurt or something. 


As the doctor left, Payton walked in and sat next to me. The others were exploring. "Here's what I got: 'The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.' What do you think?" she asked. I thought about it. I looked at CJ lying down next to me. "It's possible," I mumbled. I lightly shook him, waking him up. "Hmm?" he asked. "Uh, I have a personal question for you... do you... love anybody?" He smiled a bit. "I mean... yeah... she's really caring, but she doesn't share my feelings. I can tell," he finished bitterly. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's... uh, Olivia," he said, and put his face in the sheets, blushing.

"Well, that was unexpected," Payton remarked. "Well, as I'm here, I might as well tell you guys what the deal is. So, for every portal, two of us were assigned a dimension to watch over. Georgia and I were assigned your dimension. We watched as you all grew and we learned the truth about the OOTS. We weren't allowed to check in on other dimensions, only when you guys are in the portal hallway can we see you individually. So, we had to ask everyone else about the dimensions and what was going on, and, well yeah, we know the Old Builders," she finished. "Anything else you want to tell us?" I asked

Lukas' POV

"Which one do you think she'll like?" Petra asked. "I have no idea," I said slowly. "Just choose which one speaks out to you two. I know that y/n will love it, whichever one you pick," Ivor said. "Okay then..." I said, and I decided.


CJ LOVES OLIVIA! *squeals*

And what do you think Lukas is getting for y/n?

But, seriously,


(i ship it now)

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