Day 8

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(Lukas' POV finally lol)

Reuben led us around town and into the treasure room. It was in ruins. We searched around for the portal atlas and key. If we were going to stop whatever this was, we needed them. Y/n kept following me. As soon as I realized this I started to blush whenever I looked at her. We finally found the items in all the rubble. "Good job, team!" said Jesse enthusiastically. He seemed happier than he had in the past few days.

We walked into the portal hallway. "Let's split up. Petra, Olivia, you two go into the white pumpkin mansion dimension. (They nodded). Axel, you and I will go to the Old Builder's world and get as much help as we can from there. (He stretched out, a sign that he was prepared.) Lukas, you, y/n, and Ivor can go the Crown Mesa and get Harper and the rest of the citizens," Jesse commanded. Everyone went to their assigned portal. Ivor ran into the portal faster than both me and y/n.

"Ivor? Why did you run ahead so fast?" y/n asked. I snorted. She didn't know about Harper. Ivor had a long-time crush on her. And not just some schoolboy crush, he was actually in love with her. "What's so funny?" y/n asked. "He's gonna say something about Harper," I said. "who?" she asked. I shushed her. Ivor responded, "Well, you don't know her, but I'm excited to see Harper again." "Called it!" I said.

Ivor glared at me. I just gave an innocent grin. "Love isn't a joke, Lukas," y/n said. Is she talking to me about me...? Uh, okay I thought. "What do you mean?" "I mean it should be taken seriously," she said. Right at that moment, we saw Harper running towards us. "Guys! Where have you been-" she saw y/n. "Oh. Hello. Who are you?" Harper asked. "I'm y/n," y/n said. "Well, what do you guys need?" Harper asked us. "We need your help. And the help of anyone else from Crown Mesa," I said. "There is a threat in our world. We don't even know what it is. We need your smarts for this," Ivor said. "Can you please help us?" y/n asked. 

Harper agreed to come with us. We ran back to the portal hallway. Apparently, the only ones not back were Axel and Jesse. They returned after a while. And we got ready to go back to our world and fight. 

(All characters currently:y/n (duh), Lukas (more duh), Jesse, Petra, Olivia, Axel, Ivor, Harper, Otto, Em, Slab, Nell, Stampy, Stacy, and Lizzie)

4th wall breaking time

Lilac: Oh No I fOrGoT sKy CiTy!!!! AaAaAaAaHhHhHh

Lilac.exe has stopped working

Candy: Later peeps

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