Day 8 Continued

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I held on to Lukas as we entered our own world. I wasn't used to portal-hopping. I hadn't been to the Nether often, so this was really weird for me. I looked over at Harper, who was talking to Ivor as if they hadn't seen each other in over a year. But... what if they have been separated that long? I thought. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Hey, what's wrong, y/n?" Lukas asked me. "I... it's nothing. I think some dust got into my eye or something," I lied. 

Jesse started to tell everyone how to find whatever we needed to find. I looked over at one of the people from another dimension, Stampy, I think his name was. For a second, I saw... two of him? I shook my head and when I looked back, there was one again. He saw me looking at him and walked over to me. "Hello. I don't think I've met you. Are you a friend of the Order of the Stone's?" he asked me. He had a strong British accent. "Uh, yeah. And you are?" I asked him. "Stampy Cat! Pleasure to meet you!" he said. He was a very polite person. We got split into groups to find whatever we were looking for. I was with Lukas, Emily, and Stampy. Emily and I had a long conversation. We looked over, Lukas and Stampy hadn't said a word to each other.

I tried to get both of them talking. "Y/n, this is serious. I'm not in a laughing mood," said Lukas. I was surprised. "What? Not even a day ago you were laughing about Ivor and Harper together! And now you're saying you're not in laughing mood?!" I was so shocked about Lukas' sudden attitude change.  "Well, we should look for this... whatever it is..." he said quietly. Something about him was changed, and I wasn't sure what... "Stampy, did you notice anything different about Lukas from when we started loking?" I asked. "Well, I did notice that he seemed happy at first, then when we passed the forest, he said he'd heard something strange, and he went behind a tree, and when he came back he was, well, like he is now," Stampy explained. 

I stopped and thought about it for a second... and then I pinned Lukas to a nearby tower of sandstone. "You... are not Lukas... what did you do to him?!" I asked him. "I assure you, I am!" he said confidently. I couldn't believe this. I was so sure that this was the shape-shifter! "You are not Lukas! You CAN'T be Lukas! You... are the shape-shifter! What we've been after! Where?! IS?! LUKAS?!" I shouted in his face. He stared at me, looking horrified. Then he started to laugh. And then...


kissed me?

This is all I've wanted from Lukas... but this was NOT Lukas. I pushed him away, and threatened, "If you don't show us Lukas, the real Lukas, then I promise you, I will throw you into the ocean, and make sure you can NEVER find your way back!" 

This is an empty threat... I can't just throw him away... I need to bring him to the rest of the gang! I can't get rid of him or he will just destroy the rest of the world... But if I kill him now... we might never find Lukas... and I can't let that happen! I thought to myself.

"Sure. I'll bring you to the "real" Lukas, y/n..." he said, "Oh what a pain it was, pretending to be him... he's all too kind and fun-loving. But if you really want me to bring you to him, I will... just don't be surprised when you see- oh. I've said too much," he said, a smirk creeping on his face. He didn't... kill Lukas... did he?! I thought. Until then, I had forgotten that I wasn't alone. He lead the way, Em following close behind him.

We finally got back to the forest. Lukas was there, tied up, and seemed to be blinded by a darkness. "Is he... dead?" Em asked. "Oh, no... he's fine... I can't directly kill people, and if I had destroyed the forest, it would've attracted attention to you... as a matter of fact, you would be dead... (he sighed) When will I ever learn to make the correct decisions?" the shape-shifter said quietly. We went to help Lukas out. I untied him and hugged him tightly. "Lukas... are you okay?" I asked. He didn't respond... he just sat there, not doing anything... just being... with this blank expression on his face. I felt the wind swirling above me. Em, Stampy, and I looked up. The shape-shifter was no longer taking the appearance of Lukas. All we saw was a winged shadow, flying above us, leaving us. 

I couldn't believe it.

We had let him go.

And there was nothing we could do now.

All we could do was be there for Lukas.

Just as I thought this, the darkness surrounding Lukas' eyes dissipated. He stared at me... as if asking a question, without saying anything... I felt like the only thing I could do at this point was to hug him again. And he hugged me back. And we walked back to the treasure room, and waited for everyone else

(A/N- Okay, I am SO sorry for not uploading for SO long! I have so much stuff to do, but basketball season at my school has ended, so I might have more time now! Anyways, later, peeps!)

MCSM - Lukas x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora