Part 5-Left Alone

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From then John went to Missouri and asked if they could stay there.  Whilst there he probed her of any and all facts on the supernatural. Turns out there was a case nearby. John went to it leaving the boys with Missouri and unknowingly him. He never went with John. After that night he never left Sam's side. 

When Sam turned one John left the state. They settled in a small, cheap, but not horrible apartment. John went hunting most of the time and when he was not he was either researching Azazeal or teaching Dean to fire a gun. John left Sam as Dean's responsibility and hardly spent time with him. Dean was only around six, he couldn't look after Sam, so Gabriel did. He became permeantly visible to Sam and talked to him.  He snapped up food for Sam and Dean because he couldn't let the poor kid starve. He washed their clothes and got new clothes whenever he could and John wouldn't notice. He knew it was wrong but sue him. He was a guardian archangel. He changed Dean's memory to think that he did all those things and that he looked after Sammy.

When Sam turned two, John left the state again however this time stayed in a grummy motel with only two beds and no where for Sam to sleep. John left that day and this time took a six year old Dean with him on the hunt saying they would be back before nightfall and Sam would be fine. They didn't come back for two days and Sam wouldn't have been fine if not for him. Whilst the other Winchesters where gone he snapped and the motel room was clean with a king sized bed and a comfy looking crib.  Though he knew Sam would end up sleeping in the bed with him. The tiny dirty kitchen turned into a  nice marble kitchen full of snacks, sweets and baby food. The room was filled to the brim with cuddly toys and plush'. Which Sam loved. He fed Sam and looked after him during them two days. Sam slept on his chest in the king sized bed whilst he lay propped up on the pillows, legs crossed, and arms behind his head as he stared down at his human. When he heard the impala puling up he snapped making everything disappear and return to normal. He lay sleeping Sam on a pillow, which he may have altered slightly to make more comfy, and he sat on the edge of the bed. John and Dean came through the door looking tired and a bruised. Dean checked on his baby brother then moved him under the covers and went to sleep with Sam against his chest. John didn't seem to care about Sam and didn't seem to care that he left his two year old by himself for two days. He simply put his stuff away, slipped his shoes off and got into bed.

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