Competition Blues CHAPTER TEN

Start from the beginning

"Third place with a score of 289 points goes to Becca with all that glitters!"The announcer says clapping as a red haired girl walks upstage to get her award as I exhale for only a short second before the announcer'a voice sounds into the mic.

"Second place with a score of 289.7 points goes to Maisey with summer." The announcer states as Maisey stands up to collect her trophy.

"And your highest scoring 6-8 solo with a score of 292.3 points winning Mini Miss Sheer Talent goes to...!" The anouncer shouts,moving away from the mic creating more suspense and tension.

I squeeze Skylar's hand, closing my eyes shut.

"Natalie with Sugar n' Spice!"says The announcer as I smile at my mum in the audience.

I get up collect my crown and trophy.

"Who choreographed this routine?"He says .

"Dianna Lee Miller and Grace Summer."I say happily.

"She also gets the Best Costume Award, lets give her a round of applause!"The announcer states happily as he hands me a small plaque as my mum cries in the audience 🙄😂 then we all go back to our teams an sit .

"Okay moving to the 9-10 category top 5, fifth place with a score of 286.5 goes to...Stacy with I can and fourth place with a score of 287.2 goes to...Kylie with lights."The announcer announces as both dancers stand up and retrieve their award.

Kylie joins the horizontal line smiling while holding her award.

"Third place with a score of  290 goes to...Madeline with this is my beauty ."says the announcer.

Madeline gets up shocked then puts on a rather sad smile then collects her trophy.

She doesn't like coming third!

"In second place with a score of 291.6 goes to Nadia with oceans."The announcer says.

Nadia stands and gets her trophy with a smile, joining the line.

"Mind you these are the Junior Miss Sheer Talent runner-ups so please give them an applause, they all did pretty amazing!"The announcer declares.

"And in first place with a score of 293.5, also being crowned Junior Intermediate Miss Sheer Talent will be...Olivia with I believe" The announcer shouts.

Livy stands up happily as they place an identical crown to mine on her head. Then gave her a trophy.

Then they all sit back down.

"Moving to junior duet First place goes to Madeline and Nadia Rise" The announcer

They get up happily and get the award.

"Now we are going to 10-12 category. Second place with a score of 290 goes to Skylar with Dream." The announcer states as Skylar stands up and gets a trophy,joining the line.

After about 20 long,tiring minutes, awards come to an end and we all leave and head to the dressing room.

In the Dressing Room
Maddie's POV

Madeline is frowning and being really sour to all of us .

"Madz, you did so good " Natalie
says hugging her, trying to cheer her sister up.

Madeline pushes her away then rolls her eyes.

"Madeline Taylor Kelly, come here right now !" I shout.

Her eyes look alarmed  but she does not move.

"Madeline, come here !" I say stretching my words while looking her in the eye as I walk to the curtains.

"I am trying to check something!" She screams back whining but still does not come.

Well she's asking for it now!

"Madeline come here, your phone is running away." I say sternly before she starts to walk to the curtains.

"Madeline, what you did today was beyond rude, the whole makeup fiasco and the Dia issue must never happen again, it's not always about winning and if things don't go your way you can not make everyone annoyed as well, so no phone for a week, I want it when we get on the bus,do you understand me?" I say to her.

She frowns and rolls her eyes.

"You wanna make it 2 weeks." I say raising my voice."

She shakes her head no, then leaves.

The thing that annoys me so much when I'm mad at her is I know deep down in my heart that I was exactly like her:
-Kinda bratty when things did not go my way
-Loved dance with all my heart.

I come out of the curtains and pack up our luggage then we all enter the bus, Madeline gives me her phone then I take a seat next to Dianna.

On our way to the studio, Dianna treats the girls to icecream.We get to the DLDC and I get in the car with my girls and drive home, where I tuck my babies in for bed.

"Goodnight Mum" They both say tired.

Well  I don't blame them, that's the life of a competitive dancer!


Thanks for reading this chapter .If you have any ideas for my book please comment down below  ↓ .

Word Count: 1403 words.

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