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Nadia's POV

I wake up to my super annoying alarm clock . I sigh and slide out of bed and got dressed.

Then I go downstairs and my mum makes my brother and I  pancakes (since we are extra early today) so I eat while on my phone;playing Minecraft

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Then I go downstairs and my mum makes my brother and I pancakes (since we are extra early today) so I eat while on my phone;playing Minecraft . After about 10 minutes, my mum told us it was time to go , so we enter the car and drive to dance.
When we enter the studio I walk past  the front desk and say " Good Morning Mrs Dia "

"Morning love " Mrs Dia replies .
I walk into the den and see Natalie and Skylar on the floor laughing but  I also notice that Madeline looked quite green .

"Mads are you okay ?" I ask  giving her a side hug as she  nods with a smile that seems rather fake but let's not bother her too much about it .

I walk over to the centre of the room and start to stretch  until Mrs Dia comes in .

"We are starting with the group then the trio" she says.

We start with the group remembering my special part .

Grapevine , Double Pirouette , Fan kick , Split jump .

Then I look over at Madeline and she looks like she's about to throw up .
"Madeline , are you feeling okay?"Mrs Dia asks as she stops the music .
Madeline nods and Mrs Dianna looks at her unsure before she resumes the music.We continue to the middle part before Madeline runs out of the room.

Maddie's POV
I look over the glass window and see Madeline running out of the room . I run down to meet her to see her throwing up in the bathroom.

"Aww baby"I say sadly as I help her clean up and wash her face .
I give her a hug as she starts to cry.

"What's wrong Madeline ?" I ask worryingly.

" stomach is hurting ! " She cries .

"Do you want to go home?"I ask.

Madeline shakes her head instantly.

"I... don't want Mrs Dia to be mad..." I ask really concerned.

"She won't be mad, she knows you're not feeling too well, are you sure you want to stay?" I ask looking at her.

She nods and I give her one last hug before she walks into the class and I hesitantly back to the viewing room.

Natalie's POV
Madeline walks back into the room after Mum signals something to Mrs Dianna.
"Honey , come sit here for a while , let's not upset your stomach"Mrs Dia says kindly patting on the couch she is sitting on .

Mads walks towards the couch and takes a seat before receiving a hug from Mrs D.

I concentrate on my part as Mrs D plays the music again.

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