The Crime Scene

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Hey wattpadders if you don't like horror story's that is fine but if you do I hope you enjoy!

   Lillian Woods was a normal girl. She lived in a small neighborhood​ with her Mom, Dad and older brother. She was only 13 years old.  She often found herself bored, so she had to find things to entertain herself with.
  One day, after her dad had picked up her older brother Justin, he asked her if she wanted to go on a walk . She eagerly agreed and went to put on her shoes. While she was getting​ ready her dad got her brother  to come with them. Her mom was  working on a article at her desk so she couldn't come.
    They walked outside for about two hours then stopped for icecream, after they finished eating it started to rain.  "Well I think we should  start heading home" said her dad. They came to there house when they saw yellow  crime tape with big bold letters across it, CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS.  " Dad what's happening" she cried  "I'm going to find out sweetie" said her dad 
" What's going on? " "why does it say our house is a crime scene." questioned her Dad " There was a break in at this house, a woman by the name of Ann Woods was shot by the intruder." the police officer explained. Lillian's mom was Ann Woods. " Di- id she di- die" stammered her Dad "  the police officer said solemnly "Yes sir she was dead when we arrived."
Next chapter coming soon!

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