Part Twenty Nine

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                                                      “The Triune Nation”

After handing over his leadership to another, Nevin and fifty-seven members left the council of Kre to form their own ‘new’ nation. In eighteen seventy-one, they made their way over to the new world, coming to settle in the regions of the budding west. Although not the first Stellars in the new world, they were the first Krethans

to settle here.

Three years later, they came across the first Stellars to settle in the new world. A sect of Mosh vampires or as they slowly came to be known by the Krethans, ‘Rogues.’ They had no leadership among them and simply lived in peace as individuals, but as the Krethans began to push further west into territories that were owned by the Mosh, small skirmishes would arise between them, which soon led to a declaration of war by the Krethans. The Mosh, however, being naturally weaker and less adapted to fighting than the Krethans, called for a truce.

When the day came for face to face talks between the two, the Mosh insisted that there be a third party present to witness the negotiations. The Mosh told Nevin that the would be mediators was a small group of Stellars, who had been settled in the region for a little under five years now.

The Mosh insisted that these people were, by nature, the perfect mediators. Not wanting to appear unreasonable, Nevin agreed. The meeting was to take place in an abandoned town at night, inside an old Saloon. While both Krethans and Mosh waited inside the Saloon, old floorboards creaked from the clip-clop of three fresh pairs of boots, alerting everyone to the presence of three mysterious strangers, concealed in long, black, hooded cloaks. Moving in a slow, straight line, with the shortest of the three placed curiously in the middle of the two very tall strangers.

The three approached the table where the Mosh vampires were seated, Nevin saw the tall stranger in front of the shortest fan out to stand on the right as the other moved to stand on the left. Nevin's curiosity was heightened. The strangers, stood silently still in front of him.

Slowly, the hands of the one in the middle reached for the hood of the cloak. Nevin took note of the soft blue glow of the pair of eyes from underneath the hood. The hood pulled back, unveiling the face of a very beautiful woman. He couldn't help noticing the two that flanked her were also removing their hoods from their heads, revealing glowing blue eyes.

Observing the handle of the swords that stuck out from their cloaks, he swallowed hard. There was no mistaking now about the identities of the strangers.

His legs felt heavy as he willed himself to stand up on them, casting a harsh glare at Jonathan, feeling betrayed as the two Krethans that stood behind him also became concerned at the identities of the strangers.

“Twellers,” Nevin whispered. The beautiful woman approached Nevin. He could see by the insignia on the forearm guards she wore that this wasn’t just any Tweller, but the last Queen of Twells herself. “Queen Katrina,” the words seem to crawl through his dry mouth.

The two Krethans nervously stood up, tightly gripping the back of their chairs, anticipating meeting their doom at the end of the blade of the legendary warriors.

“As Krethans, you all are well aware of the history of the people of Twells,” she said. “Our culture, our history, and our skills as warriors. Had I been here seeking vengeance, your remains would be scattered across this floor.” She glanced confidently over at the sheepish looking Jonathan, who simply nodded in agreement.

“However, as allies of the people known as the Mosh, we are simply here to mediate this truce.”

The tension resting in Nevin's eyes gave way to a look of relief. For a moment, he was under the impression that they had been out-smarted by the not so sophisticated Mosh. His eyes remained on the sword of her two guards.

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