Part Twenty One

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Several days would go by before Willow received a surprise visit from two fellow Krethans by the names of Dru and Kah. Both were known for their skills as warriors and had stopped by Willow's cave because it was a well known place to day slumber. It was considered an insult not to allow a fellow Krethan to day slumber. Although Willow didn't object, he invited the two into his humble habitation reluctantly. It wasn't a secret that Willow was viewed by most Krethans as eccentric. His beliefs in the mystical people known as the Sayers had all but made him an outcast among his own. And maybe, had there been another place that offered shelter from the rain nearby, he would have never seen them at all.

Kah became curious about the many scrolls rolled up near and around a table that sat in the center of the rather large and roomy cave. He unrolled a scroll.  "Still at this madness, I see," he mumbled smugly while looking over the mysterious writings. "You know, Willow, our people have no place for any of this. You could have been so much more. Instead, you're out here in a cave, reading scrolls," he said, sounding sarcastic. "I guess being a 'mystical' creature isn't enough, huh?!"

The words of Kah brought a small chuckle from his companion. Willow was used to the harsh criticism, but he wasn't used to having his beliefs trivialized in his own home.

"The Sayers are more than just 'mystical creatures.' They are now residing in the first House of the Throne that bears their name."

"I see. And so they have rewarded your worship by placing you out in the middle of nowhere, to live inside of a cave? Well, I guess if a cave was good enough for them, why shouldn't it be for one of their most devoted pupils?" Kah laughed.

Just then, Eunice unexpectedly made her way into the area. Having been unaware that they would be having visitors, she stood mutely, wearing nothing but a white gown that, with the dim lighting behind it, revealed her nakedness to the two strangers. Kah was known for his many young brides, some of whom were made when they were as young as twelve years. An act of repulsion even among the most liberal of Krethans. He now had Eunice in his sights, and he could not let her go. "What an extraordinary, exotic creature this is," he said softly to Willow. "Who is she?"

But Willow hesitated greatly. "Whatever thoughts you have about her Kah, you must dismiss them."

"So I take it that she is yours?"

"No! She belongs to no one."

"Is that so?" Kah said slowly approaching Eunice. “You are not a vampire,” Kah said softly. “What are you?”

Her eyes reflected the offense she took with his hands that were so free with her, placing them upon her shoulders then slowly sliding down her arms. He began to play with her long red hair while his eyes burned down into hers. He observed the strange writings and symbols upon her hands, and with his finger he began to trace the symbols on the left side of her face and smooth side of her head left from the offering.

His eyes were constricted. "What is this?"

But Eunice remained silent, slowly backing away from his touch as a cool smile crossed Kah's face.

Kah's companion let out a slow, chilling laugh; both men relishing in the girls uneasiness. Slowly, Eunice bent down, with her hand she began to search out for something on the cave floor. Grabbing hold of two small twigs, she slowly rubbed them as if they were small pets.

"Zane," she whispered. Lightly stroking them as a smile blossomed under her small nose, she said, "Nameds" as she planted a loving kiss upon both sticks, leaving all three men perplexed. According to Krethan tradition, the female, after placing two twigs on the ground in front of her, is to attempt to prevent them from being crushed underneath a potential mate's feet, which would begin the 'mating ritual'. But Eunice appeared not to offer any resistance as she slowly stood up while watching the eyes of Kah, backing away slowly from the sticks which she had laid side by side. "In the belly," Willow heard her mumble, smiling.

Kah was captivated; however, the obvious hadn't escaped the attention of Willow. A former young vampire understanding the introits of the Krethan mating ritual, a ritual passed down only by older, female Krethan vampires. The ritual was never performed with the hastiness with which Eunice offered it. Willow was curious; maybe he was allowing the deep emotions he felt for Eunice to cloud his thinking. The rather shy and usually aloof girl seemed smitten with the mildly handsome Kah, and although that was possible, it was, as Willow saw it, unlikely. Even as he watched Eunice's playful back and forth banter with Kah, he decided to be patient.

"Willow, I give you a thousand apologies. But someone this young, beautiful, and witty, must be my bride," Kah confessed.

Eunice was staring at the twigs intently every so often, looking over at a baffled Willow, raising his suspicion that the mischievous smile suggested that there was more to this. Eunice was standing with her feet slightly apart, playfully rocking side to side as if ready to run at any moment to have Kah give chase.

But Kah was determined. He was lost in the young one's piercing green eyes and fiery red hair. "I would be the envy of every Krethan male with you as my bride," he told a still smiling Eunice. "I would let go of all sixteen of my brides, making you my one and only. Would this please you?" he asked.

But it seemed to fall on deaf ears as the young Eunice continued to rock side to side in anticipation, smiling. While Kah was focused on Eunice, Willow's attention was drawn to the two twigs that seemed to tremble with each measured step Kah took towards Eunice. Kah was under the impression that this was all a part of the mating game, but Willow was beginning to understand it differently. Two nights had passed since the offering, her body markings were the only visible signs of the event taking place. She had yet to demonstrate any new ‘gifts’ that came with her transformation through the offering. He understood Sufti enough to know that 'Zane' meant "bring to life" and that 'Nameds' meant "protectors." And whatever she meant by 'In the belly,' he was sure they were about to find out.

Kah now standing in front of the two twigs, smiling over at Eunice who had curiously stopped rocking; her eyes upon his feet. Slowly lifting her eyes into his, observing a clever smile upon Kah's face, Eunice timidly stepped farther back from the twigs with her back against the wall of the cave. Kah's foot rose high in victory to stomp the twigs, preparing to complete his conquest.

Staring into her eyes, he brought his foot down rapidly to stomp upon the twigs, which were instantly transformed into two massive beasts that resembled lions but were the size of huge bears on all fours. Kah's eyes widened with surprise at finding his entire leg engulfed in the mouth of one of the creatures.

He began to shriek loudly, more out of terror than from pain as the beast began lifting its massive head, attempting to swallow Kah whole. Repeatedly, he called out to a stunned Willow who, along with Kah's companion, stood mute; just as terrified. The entire time, Eunice watched mournfully as she slowly turned her back to the screaming Kah as he furiously beat on the nose of the beast, understanding fully what was about to happen next. Soon the other beast opened its gigantic mouth, devouring the entire top half of Kah whose muffled cries could still be heard. But it wouldn't be for long as the two beasts ripped the body of Kah apart at the torso, then devoured him.

The event was so horrific that it sent Kah's companion running, frantically with arms waving high above his head screaming, from the cave. The two beasts had seemingly had their fill of Kah as one now moved menacingly over towards a shaking and cornered Willow. The creature stood in front of him growling slowly, laying down upon its belly with its paws facing Willow.

"No need to be frightened," he heard Eunice say from the corner as he watched her playfully rubbing the massive head of the other creature. Slowly, the creature at his feet rolled over on its side, exposing its belly for a terrorized Willow to rub. His hands trembled as he knelt down and very gingerly rubbed the underside of the beast, who seemed to purr. The huge creature rolled onto its back, enjoying every soothing stroke offered by the trembling hand of Willow. Eunice was laughing as her creature also rolled upon its back to have its tummy rubbed.   

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