Part Twenty Three

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Sitting still on her knees in the forest, two sparrows caught her attention. One was giving chase to the other, who had a fig leaf in its beak. The mystery of the Nummah, no longer a secret, held the answers she had been seeking her entire life. She understood her purpose, her true origins and the fate of two strangers. But they weren't truly strangers to her. Like her, they were chosen by the Throne, but unlike her, she was certain they were both unaware of it. She closed her eyes, she could see their faces. The face of a beautiful young Queen and the scared face of a banished Prince, who now walked the earth as a vampire. Their fates were tangled together, like a long vine. One couldn't become what they were destined to be, without the fates of the others. The fate of both mortals and immortals would unknowingly rest in their strong hands. But a small mattered needed to be settled first among the Krethans. It was crucial that a certain member of the Krethans understood his purpose. Fate had chosen him too. However, compared to the Queen and Prince, his role was minor, but very important.

Spurred on by the visions of the Nummah, she understood what she had to do, to ensure that the events would unfold as they had been ordained.

The tension inside the Castle of Corra had reached its boiling point as factions of Krethans began to attack each other. Someone ran through the large doors amidst the chaos and clamor looking terrified. Headed to the front of the room where the leaders of the five factions of Krethans were seated. The frightened vampire offered only one word. “Sparumh,” he stammered. The loud snorts and grunts of two massive beasts who could barely fit through the doors that always accompanied Eunice everywhere she went, filled in the silence. Fearful Krethans nervously moved ever so cautiously to the side to accommodate them. Both beasts were attached to a skinny chain she wore around her very slender waist as one walked menacingly in front of her, while the other walked protectively behind her.

Wearing a red gown and adorned with jewelry, the red lace veil that covered her face, momentarily obscured the sight of her by those who were assembled. Making her way to the center of the sparsely lit room adorned by candles, the sound of chairs scraping against the floor could be heard as the five leaders of the nation of Krethans stood out of fear at the presence of the one only known as 'Sparumh', the one who feeds upon her own people. Quietly, her small hands unfastened the chains around her waist as each beast slowly took a seat, flanking her.

"The one who made me was inspired to do so because of the words of the Sayers. He was a Krethan just as all of you, but he had come to believe in the words and wisdom of the Sayers. As Stellars we are all aware of the one that spawned us from the beginning. Kamael, who was fashioned by the one known as Fallon as a 'gift' to the Throne. Kamael was to be the bride of the Throne, however, the Throne rejected her. You are all aware of the war of the Anthos, the first war between the mortals and immortals. How it was Kamael's envy of the Throne's great love for his creations, the Myathians and mortals.

To impress the Throne, Kamael spawned Nims.  The Nims shared power with the Myathians. However, the Nims weren't pleased with their position. You know about King Gorrin and the Twelve Kingdoms defeat of the collective army of vampires known  as the Hive. Shortly after, Kamael along with her Nims would war against the Warrior Priests and the Myathians. But they would not be successful. However, before Kamael met her demise in darkness at the hand of the great Warrior Priest, she promised that she would return and destroy the earth and the heavens, and all that reside in them. Long ago, this was confirmed by the writings of those who four thousand years later, took over the third house that once belonged to the Twelve Kings.

According to the Sayers, while residing in darkness her power would come to rival the Throne's its self, and no power would be strong enough to stand against her. Her quest will begin as a simple struggle for power but eventually, will escalate to war. This war that I have seen with my own eyes shall then spread to include the mortals, and is in conjunction with the words of the Scrolls left behind by the Sayers. These writings would much later become known as ‘The Whispers of Siam’; the scribe so named the writings due to the nature in which Siam would ‘whisper’ them while asleep.

What would become the most important to all Stellars would be a paragraph contained in the last of the nine scrolls. 'The Great War of the Overlord shall consume the earth and the heavens. The chaos of her heart shall blacken the skies. Her strength shall arise in the heart of another, and his enemies shall be consumed into ashes, and they cannot defeat him. One shall unknowingly be the catalyst to her return. However, his heart shall lurk dangerously upon a cliff.'  Centuries later, Willow would call this, ‘The Extermination.’ I fear now, the day may soon be upon us all.”

The tension in the room was palpable. But Logan was skeptical. “With all due respect, unlike your father, Willow, we do not believe in the ways of the Sayers, therefore, we have never heard these things. So please forgive our ignorance. But if what you say is true, what makes you so sure that this time is approaching us?”

Behind her veil, her eyes fell slowly to the floor. “Because I have seen the face of the one Kamael promised should come to free her and the faces of his army. I saw him as he unleashed his anger upon his enemies. I could hear their cries for mercy, but he simply ignored them. Now he walks the earth like one of us, but soon, he will become what he was destined to be: Malevolent!”

"You have seen him? So, who is he?"

But Eunice remained still. "I do not know. I have only seen his face."

“Then maybe we should be unified in bringing about his destruction?!” Logan offered. Eunice slowly shook her head, curiously maintaining her gaze upon Nevin.

“He is destined to be what he shall become. Despite the hand of the Warrior Priest in providing those who shall rise to oppose him, the strongest of them will be no match for him alone."

"Then have you warned the other Stellars as well?" Logan asked.

"No! His hand shall be mighty against them, but the Krethans shall be consumed in his fury, unless..." she paused, focusing her attention on a visibly nervous Nevin.

"Unless what?" Logan said egarly.

"Three! Three is the number of perpetual strength. You must stand in the strength of two others. You all must form a bond with the strongest of them."

The sound of low chuckles could be heard scattered amongst those in attendance.

"Once we become a nation again, no Stellar will be a match for us. The Krethans have never needed the assistance of other Stellars, so I find what you are saying very hard to believe."

"It is true! The Krethans shall be a strong, unified people, even much stronger in numbers and might then ever before. But some of the Stellars will choose to bow before him, and for this, he shall spare their numbers."

One of the leaders snarled at her. "We shall never bow before anyone. With all due respect, not even to you!"

Slowly, Eunice stepped forward. "I do not ask or require your worship. I am only here to warn you, that is all."

Eunice's eyes fell searchingly on the face of Nevin.  Sanding in front of the obviously shaken vampire, pleadingly holding out her hands towards him.

“Shall the fate of your children rest in their hands, Nevin? Can you truly trust them?” 

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