Part Two

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    The gentle winds of mid-Autumn whisked dead leaves along the grounds of the Castle of Onus. Winter would be here soon. The first without the presence of Louisa. On a warm Autumn day as today, Louisa and Darben would often go for a stroll; nowadays, he just seemed content with blankly staring from the window while seated in Louisa’s favorite chair. The wind was calm and still now as the tumbled leaves were gathered into a pile at the bottom of some tall trees that adorned the garden. The naked branches were bending backwards as the winds began to blow anew, but not as gently as they had before. Not only could he sense the change in the season, but there was this sense of it in the air as he stood up from his chair. The winds were about to blow differently.

Today his brother, Omron II, would meet his bride-to-be. The seventeen-year-old daughter of King Rahboam, Princess Leila. Omron may have been four years Darben’s senior, yet now, at twenty-one years of age, he wasn’t as intellectually savvy as his younger brother; a fact that hadn’t escaped the watchful eye of the Queen, who meticulously groomed Omron for the throne. Yet, after Louisa’s death, Darben spent most days sitting alone in his quarters, sorely missing her. Taking good care of the few items now placed under his loving care. Having been a servant all of her years, she hadn’t amassed a great deal of things, but to Darben, they were priceless mementos of her love and affection.

Omron had nervously been anticipating the arrival of the princess; fidgeting about all day. Darben’s servant William had entered the quarters, ready to assist Darben with his attire for their arrival.

“I hear the daughters of King Rahboam are known throughout for their beauty,” William said.

But Darben didn’t seem impressed by beauty. He hunched his shoulders. “What does this matter to me? Is not the most beautiful of them to be wedded to Omron?”

Yet a few moments later, he watched from his window as the entourage of King Rahboam made their way through the gardens of the castle, offering Darben a glimpse of the princess. She was beautiful; having golden hair that accentuated her fair skin. Darben had always heard Louisa speak of how men ‘lust’ after women, yet he was too young to understand it then. Now, however, he understood it fully. Omron silently stood behind his brother, noticing his quiet observation of the princess.

“So, what do you think of the one I shall marry, my brother? Does she meet your approval?”

Darben smiled. “I can think of no prince more worthy of her beauty than you, Omron.”

Omron placed a loving hand on Darben’s shoulder as the two made their way to the very lavish dinner.

He was seated across from Omron and Princess Leila, who were flanked by one of her sisters, Princess Helen, to their right and Omron and Darben's sister, Princess Octavia, to the left. Wearing his face covering, he seemed somewhat bored with the topic of conversation being held at the table. He could sense with all of the back and forth whispering taking place amongst the princess and her sister, she was well pleased to find that her future husband was wonderful to look at. The visiting king posed a lot of important questions to Omron; trying to better gauge what type of king he would make someday, but the queen would often interrupt.

Speaking for Omron, and defending his lack of knowledge about matters, much to his father’s visible dismay.

Every so often, Darben would catch a glimpse of the very beautiful princess, carefully eating her meal while cleverly sneaking peeks over at him. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the busy eyes of Queen Dedra.

No doubt her looks were out of curiosity about his face covering. What else could it be?! It was unsettling for him. Observing her and Omron together while, deep in his heart, wishing that her looks suggested that there was more than curiosity about what dreadful plight was being concealed. Suddenly, Darben heard King Rahboam mention his name. “Your father speaks well of your skills with the bow.”

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