Part Twenty

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    Making the journey back wouldn’t take as long as the journey here required. With each step she took heading back for the cave, she noticed the brightness of the horizon. Daybreak would be soon, but she wasn't concerned as she passed by tall sunflowers and dandelions peeking through the tall grass of the open field. The sound of birds singing filled the quiet air of morning while she trudged straight towards the rising sun. The rays of sun greeted her from afar. As a vampire, this wasn't supposed to even be possible anymore, yet it was. She was no longer a vampire, a night predator. Making her way in broad daylight back to the cave without any harmful effects from the sun. A smile blossomed across her young face, marveling at her transformation. She was now, a beautiful butterfly.

Arriving at the cave early in the day, she found Willow day slumbering along with his assistants. Quietly pulling up a chair near his bed, she sat still next to him, still wearing her cloak, observing as he slumbered. Removing the hood from her head, her eyes canvased his still, long body from head to toe, coming to rest on his bearded face. Recalling the night she was made, furrowing her eyes at the whiskers she didn’t recall brushing up against her neck and face.

She watched the rapid movement of his eyes underneath his eyelids, aware that he was dreaming. Because of her gift, she could easily look into his dreams, but didn't dare breach the trust he had for her. Hours later, the weary eyes stirred until his focus was filled with the presence of a docile Eunice, patiently sitting in her green dress. At first he didn't recognize her; through the dim light he could see that there was something different about her. Her hair appeared longer, fuller on one side than the other, shaved , but just on one side. Slowly, he pushed himself from his bed while gazing up into her face. Intuitively, her eyes followed his as he brought a hand to her smiling face.

His long, wiry fingers traced the strange inscription that snaked its way up along the side of her face and shaved side of her head then disappeared down her neck and underneath her gown.

Not sure what had caught his attention, she bashfully placed her small hands to his curious face. His eyes grew big as he took her hands into his own, marveling at the

writings, unable to contain his astonishment. Slowly standing up from the bed, he gently lift her by the shoulders to her feet, where he also noticed the writing. He slowly unfastened her gown, watching it fall effortlessly to the ground.

Her naked body had been used as a canvas, leaving behind the strange writings that snaked along and around her torso, up the side of her neck, onto her face. He was baffled; this went far and beyond anything he was expecting. His hands and fingers

explored the writings on her body, yet Willow was ever mindful that she was now standing completely nude in front of him. "The Nummah," he whispered in awe. From

what he had come to understand the 'Nummah' was considered the most sacred of texts, even more so than the scrolls.

According to the Sayers, the Nummah was the secret foreknowledge of the Throne; not even those who resided within the heavens were aware of its existence. It was said, whomever bore it upon their person was considered the sole divine agent of the Throne. "This is the Nummah," he explained to the curious Eunice. "Do you understand what this means? What you have become?" he asked.

She slowly shook her head from side to side.

"This was done with the finger of the very Throne that sits above the Three Houses of the Golden Scepter of the sky. You carry the mystery of the future upon your body. No other creature that lives, is privy to know these things." But he might as well have been talking to himself. Eunice didn't seem at all concerned with the Nummah while slowly stepping in closer to Willow. She was preoccupied with running her hand up the back of his head, staring longingly into his eyes, pressing her body against his. Holding onto her arms, he gently pushed her away. It was maddening. The conflict within himself to make her his bride was almost as desirable as the promised pleasure he was denying himself. Because of her gift, he never had to speak a word of it to her. It was as if she were trying to resolve the matter for him by taking it upon herself to force the issue.

"This can not be between us," he said with a scolding look. Her eyes fell to the floor of the cave as Willow bent down to pick up her gown, covering her nakedness.

"Why do you fight what is in your heart?" she whispered. "Am I not the age when most young maidens marry?"

But Willow didn't answer, smoothing the ruffles of her sleeves with his hands. He could not bring himself to look at her. Perhaps it was because he knew the answer. She reached out, taking hold of a sullen Willow's hands, his head hung low. Once again the very determined Eunice stepped in closely, her lips inches away from his, so close that he could taste the kisses offered to him from her small lips.

'And he shall lust for her like no other, the reward for his labor. The creature of passion shall be cast upon the walls of their abode as the two are fused into one being. Her desire shall be only for him, his one and only bride.' Were not these words written about us?" she asked looking up into his face.

Slowly, Willow stepped back from Eunice, shaking his head. “Who am I to argue with the words of those much wiser than myself? However, one day, I am confident that you shall understand with a clarity that escapes me now. Even my denial of you is mysterious to me. But deny you, I must."

It was if the air had been sucked out of her as she slowly lowered herself upon the bed in front of him. Looking at her, he felt like a hypocrite; always pontificating about the words and wisdom of the Sayers, how they were never to be taken lightly. Yet, if he truly believed in them, why was he denying himself the love and affections of the very lovely Eunice? 'The reward for his labor'?

He was standing by the opening to his space, staring at the wall. The silence between them was uncomfortable, interrupted only by the crackling of the fire from the torches lining the corridor. She deserved an explanation, he thought. But it was clear, that it wasn’t his decision to make.

She was lost inside of the flickering flames of the candles seemingly oblivious to his presence. He wanted to hold her, caress her. Crush her small body next to his in the most loving of embraces, sealing their union with a passionate kiss.

However, instead, he continued to stand still, silently observing her while running his hand over his bearded chin. "There are some things that I must attend to now," he said, speaking softly before carefully making his way down the narrow corridor. Leaving Eunice sitting still upon the bed, lost in contemplation.      

Heirs to the Apocalypse- Part 1Where stories live. Discover now