Part Eight

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       CHAPTER FOUR: “Princess Katrina Urswic:Last Queen of Twells”

Light from torches trembled slightly in the mild breeze, casting harsh shadows on the blank faces of those who stood around the body of their fallen beloved. The soldiers of the 'Army of the Crown' had carried the lifeless body of their Warrior Queen upon their strong shoulders through blinding rain, trudging through deep mud. Her heavy, black cloak, used as a burial shroud. Leading the procession was the valiant captain of the Army of the Crown. After searching for her 'assassin', unable to locate him, they made the slow and mournful journey back to Twells.

Placing the lifeless body of their hero upon a stone altar in the center of the courtyard of the Castle of Urswic, before alerting the people of the Government of Twells of their queen's demise.

A small pair of almond shaped eyes canvased the many somber faces encircled around the body of Queen Karlise. Those who loved her most, shed the greatest amount of tears. Those who loved her least, feigned great grief. Wearing a cloak over her purple sleeping gown; arms frozen at her sides, green eyes blank. Like one of the fifteen foot statues of the 'Patriarchs' standing guard around the Castle of Urswic, her tiny feet appeared wielded into the cement of the courtyard. The flickering torches, agitated by the breeze of the night, made it difficult to see the face barely visible from beneath the black burial shroud.

Resting still upon the chest of the motionless body in peace, was the sword that was used to defend the honor of Twells and it’s allies. The sword that belonged to its only Warrior Queen. The mother of the sad little princess who now stood mute at her side. This had to be a mad dream.

It had always been believed that there existed no foe nor force strong enough to prevail against the Queen of Twells. The daughter of the greatest warrior that ever lived, King Odonnah.

Her still body appeared strange and unusual. The princess had been pre-warned before taking in the sight of her dead mother by Marlon, the captain of her mother’s army.

When one dies with the 'Talek', the gift is lost, and the body becomes mortal once again.” The beauty of Queen Karlise, although obscured and hidden most times underneath male clothing, was just as legendary as her skills as a warrior. However, the face visible under the flickering lights didn’t quite fit the face of the mother she knew. The face appeared worn, the skin was no longer smooth, but appeared to sag. Lines were visible underneath the eyes and along the sides of her mouth. Her short, once jet black hair had been violated with sparse streaks of graying.

Had it not been for the insignia upon the handle of her sword and arm guards, the princess would've thought the body was that, of an imposter.

Quietly she observed the contrast in how the queen was being mourned by the leading members of the Council and the captains of the Armies of Twells. She watched as the council mumbled softly between themselves. Motioning with their delicate hands, gesturing with their heads. No doubt positioning themselves for higher seats upon the council.

And then there were the soiled, tattered faces of Marlon and the Army of the Crown. Dressed in their battle cloaks, the usually loud and raucous bunch, observed with woeful gazes and restrained emotions. They appeared sullen, fatigued.

Every head was low, almost as if they could not bare the sight of their cherished queen and confident co-warrior this way. It had been long rumored that after Karlise became Queen of Twells at the tender age of seven, some believed she came under the watchful eyes of the Myathians. Some say that it was the Chief Warrior Priest himself, Billum, who trained her in the ways of the Myathians.

Some say it wasn’t until Karlise attained the age of twenty-five that she was given the right to participate in the secret Myathian ritual known as ‘The Talek,’ the ritual that gave mortals the strength and the abilities of Myathians. Combined with the great skills that Twellers possessed as warriors from birth, some say there wasn't a warrior equal to her speed and strength. However, one great warrior alone could not defend an entire kingdom.

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