Running away.

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Luna's P.O.V.

I fell to the ground in pain, feeling the familiar taste of blood in my mouth from where my father had hit my jaw. Trying to sit up, I collapsed to the ground in pain as I curled in a ball.

"Fight! Get up and fight like I taught you." My father yelled at me above me as tears ran down my already stained cheeks. My dad actually wasn't my dad, but my step dad. My mom married him after my father had died a few years back. My step father was formally in the military armed forced but was sent home after he had lashed out at another troop. He was currently not working, meaning my mother was working double shifts just to get by. For whatever reason, my step father decides to take out his left over anger on me, calling it 'Training lessons' but it was really just an excuse to beat me into passing out. My mother doesn't know anything since she works most nights and by the time that she's home, I'm already in bed. 

My name is Luna, I'm 17 with almost jet back hair but if you look close enough in the sun, you see my hair is actually just a really dark brown. I'm currently dressed in a blue tank top with ripped dark blue jean shorts. At that moment, I had missed my older brother, Jackson. He wasn't my brother by blood, I'm an only child but he was close to my dad and we took him in as our own. Jackson was my best friend and the only person I truly had in this world. He died a while back, and my father blamed himself since he normally drove us to school, but Jackson insisted we walk. He got cornered by friends who beat him to death. My dad blamed himself and assumed he ran away so went to find him, but he hasn't returned home since the attack, and my mom couldn't afford to hold on so she remarried. 

"Sorry." I muttered under my breath, struggling to get to my feet once more through the pain.

"Your dismissed." My step Dad said. I took the chance and bolted to my room. I slammed the door closed and locked it, falling back on my bed, crying myself to sleep. I was lucky that my friend Henry wasn't there that night. I just wanted to be alone. Henry was a good friend in the town that I lived in, Storybrooke. He's been there ever since my brother died and most days can help me through the pin. But tonight, I just wanted to be left alone. Crying was normal for me since my step dad was always mean and cruel to me. Back when I would have a nightmare or was scared, my 'older brother,' or as I saw him, my best friend Jack would invite me to his room or comfort me until I fell asleep.But that was then, times have changed and I've learned to fight for myself. 

I was finally able to fall asleep that night and like most nights, dreamed of a better life away from pain and the suffering I had in mine.


As the next day came, I've had it, I was going to finally leave and not turn back. It would be better than staying here. I got dressed in a black T-shirt and black leggings. My hair was tied back in a messy pony tail as I put on black army boots. I'm not the best with expressing myself so I normally express feelings and emotions through my clothes. If I had an outfit, I wanted to go all out, if I had a hoodie and leggings, I don't want to put in the effort. For my hair, if it's down, that is a sign I'm in a normal, laid back mood. If it is in a pony, it means I don't care and am tired. If it''s in a brain, I'm feeling bold. It's my way of expressing myself when I verbally can't. I got my school bag ready but not with my books. But with  things I would need like food, my dagger and other things to survive like pepper spray,  blanket and a few things like a toothbrush. Walking downstairs finally, I let out a soft sigh.

"Have a good a day Luna." I heard my mom say before I left. I didn't respond though and headed out. I let myself get lost, exploring parts of the town that not even I knew like the sheriff station and even the pier and town hall. I decide to cut through an ally to get to another street when I hear a voice.

"Hey pretty, how you doing." I looked behind me to see 4 men probably 30 years old at least coming toward me and trying to corner me. I took off down the ally and ran away as fast as I could, hoping to lose the men. My heart raced and my instincts took in to protect myself. I could fight them, and I did have my dagger in my bag, but they were hot on my tail and I didn't have time to get my dagger out. I ducked into another ally, out of breath and looking to see if I've been followed. They seemed to run past me because I couldn't see them anymore, giving me the chance to relax.

"They're gone." A voice says. I turned around suddenly at the voice in a panicked way. I quickly noticed it was only a boy, no older than 18. His brunette hair was combed in an untamed yet neat matter, the emerald in his eyes seeming to shimmer in the light that managed to come through to the ally. I noticed how he dressed. A dark green tunic that seemed to be worn and made of a material that I didn't know of. The sleeves ended just below his elbow I noticed as well. A brown, hand stitched belt wrapped around his waist with a golden ring on the center. His boots matched his belt with seeming a mix of leather and cloth knee high boots that laced up. Two cuffs of leather also rested on his wrists and as I looked him over, I noticed a leather string around his neck but whatever was on the end was hidden in his shirt. "What's your name?" The strange boy asked, rather calmly and with a thick heavy accent. I knew that I couldn't give my real name so I had to come up with an answer.

"Coral." I lied quickly but not so well as he seemed to see past it. The  boy let out a soft chuckle of amusement, looking down at the ground before looking back at me with an evil smirk that tugged at his soft lips.

"Didn't you're parents ever tell you not to lie, Luna?" He smirks, looking up at me as a glint appeared in his eye. I looked back at him with a horrified look at how he knew my name. At that point I don't even want to know how he knew my name, only why.

"How-How do you know my name. " I asked, shocked as I stutter over my words, starting to slowly back away in fear.

"I know everything about you Luna." He said calmly, looking at me as I kept slowly backed away from the stalker. The boy seemed to look back with an unpleased look. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. " He warned me. Ignoring him, I turned around and ran from the ally, but only to be lifted off the ground moments later. I yelp and kick to be let go but it wasn't working as we reached a height that would kill me if I were to be dropped. Realizing that he had me in his arms, I punched at him but he didn't react at all, seeming to be not affected. After a few minutes I gave up, knowing it wasn't helping and he was stronger than I thought. The wind rushed past my hair as I shivered at the cool temp. The boy must have noticed because he pulled me closer to him for warmth and like it or not, I have to admit it that it did make me feel warmer slightly. 

Before I knew it we were in a strange land. Looking below, I saw  beautiful beach, with crystal white sand, and a vast jungle with an endless ocean. It was beautiful, better than I've ever seen in my entire life that it almost seemed magical. We started our decent to the beach and as we landed on the beach, he finally let me down as I stood on my own two feet. I looked around at. the ocean, but turned back around to face him as his feet land on the soft sand. Panic flooded me once more and the first thought I get is where am I?

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