I ran for over an hour before heading to the park where I'd taken Britney to meet Brandon just a week ago. She'd looked so sad after leaving that tea. Sadness just seemed to cling to her like a second skin. I remember seeing her for the first time outside of Bennetts territory. Despite being sweaty, covered with dirt, and in the arms of another wolf, I knew that she'd be mine.

When I'd found out we were going to recover the alpha's daughter I'd resented her very existence. Because of her, I wouldn't be alpha unless she chooses me. I was the one who had been raised to be alpha. Everything changed the first time I smelled her though. She smelt of wildflowers and moonlight and I was half in love before I'd even seen her.

"What's up?" Brandon asked cooly.

"It's your sister," I said surprised at how cold he was acting. It was almost as if he had changed into a completely different person. "Bastien took her," I said slowly.

"Damn it," Brandon said. "That bastard." He growled furiously. He was angrier than I'd ever seen him before.

"Hey man I know this is scary, but I doubt Bastien will hurt her," I said surprised at his reaction. He didn't seem worried at all just angry.

"You don't understand Bastien wants to wipe out all the rogues and now he's going to use my sister to try and exterminate us," he snapped at me "I'm going to go get her back."

"Hey man, that's probably not a good idea your dad is handling it," I said regretting telling Brandon "If we handle this wrong she could get your sister killed."

"No that's a risk I have to take. I can't have him using my sister against me" he growled shifting before taking off. Damn it. I shouldn't have called Brandon. I'd thought that Brandon was different than most rogues. Although now that I thought about it it might have been his sister that helped him keep his humanity and without her, he was going full rogue. I shifted back into my wolf and ran home to confess what I had done to my alpha.

When I got back at least half of the pack was there. I saw Olivia who was embarrassing Ada. I frowned at my thoughtlessness. I should have told Olivia and Ada myself rather than letting them find out from someone else. They were her friends and I had forgotten that I wasn't the only one who cared about Brittney.

I went over to them as Pierre pulled me aside "I heard back from my contacts. They'll help get Brittney back home in exchange for us taking them into our pack" he said.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. It wasn't over yet, but at least there was a plan. With a plan in place, I didn't need to tell him about my conversation with Brandon. Brandon might be on his way to Bastien, but with any luck, by the time he got there, Brittney might already be home safe.

"We need to have a plan in place for when your contact gets her out of Silver Blood territory," I said to Pierre. As thankful as I was to the Were that was risking his neck to get my mate out of Bastien's clutches I didn't like the thought of her traveling cross country with a strange Were.

"I have a private jet that will fly them straight from Oregon to Virginia" Pierre scratched his chin nervously. "What we do need to prepare for is the possibility that Bastien might have marked Brittney as his own".

Anger overtook me at the thought of anyone marking my mate as their own. I felt myself begin to shift without even realizing it when Pierre grabbed my arm. "Calm down" he barked and my anger fizzled. "You will control your temper. If you cannot I will not let you near my daughter regardless if she is your mate or not". I sagged realizing that he was right. Brittney wasn't like most Were's if I couldn't control my temper around her I might end up hurting her or worse.

    "Now if she has been marked there is only one way to break the bond," Pierre continued relieved that I had managed to regain control of myself "One of the bond mates has to die to break the bond."

    "That works just fine for me," I snarled. There was no way I would let Bastien live after what he had done.

    "Take heed because if they are bonded killing him could possibly kill her. Breaking a bond between true mates is dangerous," Pierre cautioned.

    "I won't hurt her, but I can't let her be with Bastien," I said in anguish.

    "I know" Pierre replied gravely putting a hand on my shoulder "I know."


Authors Note: Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter from Graysons P.O.V! Let me know if you want more chapters from other characters' perspectives. Sorry, this chapter is on the short side. I am experiencing some health problems so while I will try to keep updating regularly I will not be updating as regularly as I have been. Please vote and comment :)

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