Danny's Hot Ride

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To say I was sleepy would be an understatement. I could feel my muscles dragging and my eyes couldn't stay open if my life depended on it. I slugged around the house all morning. I decided to just keep it minimal, wearing dark skinny jeans and a hoodie with my converse. I had two classes today so I didn't care too much about my outfit. The doorbell rang as I was walking down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder.

Obviously it was my now involuntary boyfriend. I shake my head, still not believing what I've got myself into. I was inches away from the door when my father slithered in front of me, opened the door, and gave Danny a once over.

"Who are you?" He interrogated, turning to give me a look of disapproval before motioning for Danny to come in.

I was definitely wide away now and all I hoped for was that Danny would say the wrong thing so I could laugh in his face after my dad punches him.

"Were you expecting someone?" I lift a brow sending my dad a smirk. "Dad, this is Danny, Danny... my Dad." I introduced, quickly examining Danny's appearance. Here he is in his designer jeans and thin cotton jacket.

"Hello Mr. Penate, I'm a friend of Kate's. We met on campus." He stuck his hand out and my father shook it with a firm grip.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to grab some fruit. When I returned my father was laughing! LAUGHING! If anything I thought Danny would be kicked to the curb by now because my dad doesn't really open up to the guys in my life. It took the longest time to get him to accept Jared being around.

Even though I have entered early adulthood, I'm still his little girl... At least that's the excuse he uses to pry into my life. "What are we talking about?" I questioned, trying to get them to notice my existence.

They both gazed back at me with goofy smiles plastered on their faces. This was unbelievable, but then again his "bad boy" rep probably includes a conning setting he turns on when it's convenient for him.

"Kid's a joke is all." My dad answered, backing away from Danny with a chuckle and giving me a hug. "Have a good day, love you."

"Love... you too," I pat him on the back until he pulled away. This was already getting under my skin.

I gave a pointed glare to Danny as I walked over to where he was holding the front door open for me.

It was a little chilly out and I was happy I dressed in a hoodie instead of something that would make me shiver. I squinted my eyes anticipating and expecting this bad ass motorcycle but all I came face to face with was a 2-Seater Tandem Bicycle.

"You have got to be kidding." This is unbelievable. This supposed "rebel" of a man rides a bike to school? And not just any bike, a freaking 2-seater!

"I had to pull out this bad girl just for you. And no jokes. Global warming is a serious issue and the least I can do is minimize my carbon footprint and ride a bike to campus when I can." I couldn't help but burst out in uncontrollable laughter and his threatening eyes only made the situation more amusing.

I totally applaud his stride to taking care of our planet but come on. This is golden! Danny- this intimidating, mysterious man cares about our environment. It's cute, very cute, but also bizarre.

"Forgive me, I just didn't realize you had morals in there." I let out after my giggling fit.

"Just get on, would you?" He demanded, rolling his eyes.

I put my other bag strap around my shoulder and got on the bike with ease. After getting our balance we were off, paddling in silence, taking in the beauty of the trail to campus, lost in our own thoughts and troubles until I had a question.

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