The Café

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The Café, a stupid fancy name for one of the better dining halls on campus, was pretty much empty. There were a few people in one of the three lines to get food and some stranglers occupying various tables around the room with laptops open and books spread across the table, trying to sneak in a quick meal while studying.

I can't complain about the food. It isn't as bad as the 'too perfect for anything' people make it out to be. Usually I just settle for tatter tots and a cheeseburger. Jared and I always fuss about how I eat and don't gain anything and he eats and has to work it out in the gym. I would then roll my eyes and bring up how that isn't saying much either because he chooses to exercise religiously so he can show off his abs at parties.

After I paid for my meal I traveled to a table towards one of the huge glass windows and scanned around for Halley. Every Tuesday and Thursday, around 11 am - after my 8 am lecture and before my 1 pm - we meet here to eat, study, and catch up. Just when I started to frown because she was nowhere in sight, a familiar voice whispered in my ear, "having trouble remembering where your seat is?"

I jerked my head around to see where the talking came from and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face. I replied sarcastically, "No, you see, my best friend has a boyfriend now and I didn't know if she was going to ditch our café T-Days tradition."

"Kate, how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?" Halley whined with her phone in one hand and a soda bottle in the other.

"Mm, I think one more time will do it." I responded, hoping I didn't give off 'I'm a little jealous but also have a secret thing I can't tell you about' vibes. I really hate that I feel guilty in the first place, it's not like I've slept with him.

"I'm sorry and I would never no show T-days! Besides, you were also frolicking around with Jared yesterday so we have tons to catch up on... starting with you telling me how you and Jared went from fighting over food like three year olds to tongue fighting." She dragged me to our usual table. Her eyes revealing how confused she was about our recent events. Same girl, same.

"We didn't kiss." I snorted.

Halley and I came into college thinking we would go partying all the time and make a lot of new friends but  boy were we wrong. Well, Halley makes friends easily so I was wrong. The first week we had a party for every night because of welcome week traditions but to go to parties after that you have to know people who know where the parties are... I didn't make many friends since I was really only on campus during my classes- this is another reason why I can't wait until next semester and moving into an off campus apartment. I'm hoping it will open me up to meeting people.

It just so happened that Jared ended up being my BIO 115 partner which made him our ticket into parties. Unlike us newbies, he had popularity oozing out of his ears. His lady magnet only added to his fame factor around campus.

All the boys bowed down to him and all the ladies gave into him- everyone except for Halley and me. I guess good minds think alike seeing as she is also with Ben now and I just so happen to have a hopeless crush on him.

After the long hours Jared and I spent working on lab assignments, and Halley sitting by chatting while we worked, Jared just grew on us.

Ben, on the other hand, is different from Jared. Ben doesn't just throw them aside after a quickie. He's always busy studying and even does volunteer work... Of course, I've checked out his social media from time to time. He is on the Pre-Med track hoping to becoming a surgeon.

I know you're probably wondering how I got all this from his 12 posts total instagram account, where his most recent photo is from last semester when he posted about his time volunteering at a local shelter. Before yesterday I couldn't even carry a full conversation with the guy but I have had a lot of late night discussions with his stepbrother and occasionally Jared talks about him.

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