Part 15

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Adrien's POV

We arrive at Master Fu's yoga studio and we see him sitting on a rug meditating. Trying not to disturb him too much I make a slight cough but he does not react. Then all of a sudden... "Excuse me, Master Fu?" Marinette says and he looks up at us and smiles. "I was wondering when you two would show up." He simply says and walks over to us. "Hi Master Fu." Tiki says as she flies out of Marinette's purse and Plagg flies out of my pocket. "Hello you two." He says and a green kwami that looks like a turtle appears from behind him. "This is Wayzz." He says and the kwamies fly off into another room. "We believe this belongs to you." I say as I hand him the butterfly brooch. "Thank you for returning it. I'm so sorry he put you through that." Master Fu said to the miraculous and placed it into a strange looking box. He gestured for us to sit down and we did on a small pillow. "Miraculous are not supposed to be used for evil purposes. And they are meant to be worn by someone who has a strong heart and kindness." Master Fu said. "Can you tell me something about my mom?" I ask without hesitation and he looks at me and smiles. "Your mother was the kindest of them all, she had the peacock miraculous, Duusu. When I gave it to her she was about your age. She was a great hero. She would stop criminals and would help people with simple tasks; such as, helping a kitten down from a tree, help a lost child find their parents, and help an elderly walk across the street. All of Paris loved her. But Duusu got ill and it broke your moms spirit. There was a short pause. "Please continue." I say assuring him that it was okay to talk about it. "Of course. Your mother brought Duusu to me right away, and I gave her the treatment and Duusu recovered. When she had you, she didn't want to be a hero anymore. Her first priority was you. She was saying goodbye to Duusu when your father saw and snatched it from her. And your mother told him everything, and it drove him crazy. He needed more power. But Duusu would not transform him, that's how strong her bond was with your mother. Therefore, he stole a different miraculous from me, Nooroo." Master Fu says and he stands up and begins to walk to the other room. "If you want to know more, find Duusu, your father still has her." He says and disappears into the other room and out flies Plagg and Tiki. "I guess the job isn't over yet." Marinette says and looks at me. "I can do it alone, I think I know where the miraculous is." I say. "Hey, we are a team." She says and puts out her fist. I smile at her and we first pump. "Pound it." We say and transform into our hero selves and head off to my house.

Okay, I'm think that there will be 1 more chapter or 2 but no more then that. Hope you enjoy it!

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