Part 13

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Marinette's POV

It all happened so fast that I could barley register what was happening. What I do know is that I saw a glimpse of something that caught my eye, it was Chat. I gestured to him about my earrings being in Hawkmoth's pocket and he nodded.
Out of no where Chat barged in and said a pun that I didn't catch because I was to busy focusing on how exactly I was going to get my miraculous. Then I saw a chance, it was a very small window when Chat said "Where is she?!" And Hawkmoth looked to where I was tied up and had a shocked look on his face. That's when I quickly snatched the box and ran, and of course I tripped on a wire and fell, dropping the box a few feet in front of me. I hear Chat starting to fight with Hawkmoth and I saw that as a chance to get up and grab the box.
I open to see my earrings and quickly put them on and Tiki appears beside me. "Marinette! I was so worried about you!" She says in her tiny cute voice. "No time for that. Tiki, spots on!" I say and I transform into Ladybug and swing my yoyo at Hawkmoth who was currently cornering my kitty. He flew into a side pillar that was half destroyed. "Didn't see that coming did you?" I say in a high pitched voice as I walk over to Chat. "Pound it." He says as he puts up a fist. "Jobs not done yet." I say and he nods. "Let's finish this. LUCKY CHARM!" I say and throw my yoyo in the air and a bag of flour drops into my hands. "What in the world am I suppose to do with this?" I say very confused as I notice Hawkmoth starting to get up. "Keep him busy." I say to Chat as I try to figure out what to do with this.
I look around the room and Chat's baton lights up, I look at Hawkmoth and he lights up too. "Hey Chat!" I yell as Chat takes a swing at Hawkmoth but he blocks it with his cane. He looks at me as he steps back from him. "BATTER UP!" I yell and toss him the bag of flour and hits it towards Hawkmoth causing a cloud of white smoke. I quickly run into the cloud of flour and grab Hawkmoth's miraculous and run back out covered in flour.
"Nice move!" Chat says as he pats me on the back. "Thanks." I say with a smile. "Now, lets see who Hawkmoth really is." Chat says with a grin and twirls his baton and uses it as a fan to blow away the cloud of flour. Hawkmoth turns around to show that he is... Gabriel Agreste?

Adrien's POV

"B-but, how? WHY?" I say trying to form a proper sentence as I see my dad with a defeat expression on his face. I detransform to show who I really am and he looks stunned. "Adrien"? He says with a shocked look. "Why did you do all this? You nearly caused Ladybug, Marinette, MY GIRLFRIEND HER LIFE!!!" I yell at him as he looks to her and she detransforms too. "I'm sorry Adrien, Marinette. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was trying to get revenge." He says with a straight face like he's no longer shocked that it was his son who was put in danger because of him. "Revenge? On who?" Marinette asks as she takes a step closer to me. "On master Fu." He says. "Why, what did he do to you?" I asked furiously. "It's a long story, and it's too complicated to get into at the moment Adrien." He says with the same tone he uses with me when he tells me he's too busy to talk or to tell me to go to bed. "Oh, I think we have time to hear this." I say still in a furious tone.

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter!!! Sorry to leave it like this, have to build up some tense for you guys to wanting more! Comment what you think the reason is to Gabriel's revenge!

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