Part 9

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Marinette's POV
*Next day*
I wake up to the sun shining through my curtains and a soft snoring sound on the side of my bed. I look over the edge until I feel pain in my back and head. I then slowly sit up and look at the floor by my bed only to see a sleeping Adrien with a blanket and a pillow in a position that looks like a starfish. I giggle to myself first then decide to nudge him awake with my foot as I carefully swing my legs off the bed. He wakes up quickly and sits on the bed next to me. "Good morning My Lady." He says as he kisses my check and I feel my check turn a bright red. "Good morning kitty." I say in a soft tone so my parents won't wake up. I'm surprised they didn't hear us talking last night. "You still sore?" He asks as he gently rubs my back. "You are so giving me a  ack run later." I say with a laugh and so does he. "Shh my parent will hear us." I say in a low voice as I try to stop laughing. "But yea, it's a bit sore but I can handle it." I say as I look at my clock. It's almost 6:30 am and school starts at 9:am. "I should get going before my dad or Natalie (his fathers assistant) find out that I've been out all night." He says. "Good idea." I say and we walk up to my balcony and he transforms into Chat. "I'll see you in class, bugaboo." He says with his signature grin and I kiss him on the lips and returns the favor. "See ya later Kitty." I saw and he leaps off my balcony onto another in the direction of his huge mansion.
It's funny how I can be myself with Adrien all of a sudden because I can be myself with Chat. He doesn't think of me as any different from Ladybug, that really made me feel... special. Not to mention that he stayed with me the whole night on the floor to make sure I was okay. I look over to Tiki who was still asleep on my desk in her little bed. Usually she's the one waking me up every morning because I'm going to be late. I technically still have an hour before I need to get ready... I walk back to my bed and lay back down and close my eyes. Only for an hour...

Chat's POV*
I leap off of Marinette's balcony and head home. I land on the frame of an open window to my bedroom and quietly slide in as stealthy as a cat. I detransform and head for my big comfy bed as Plagg goes to his bed and eats a piece of cheese that was left there from the day before. "Ugh finally! I'm starving." He says as he stuffs his face. "I'm sure Marinette has cheese in her bakery, why didn't you ask?" I say as I pull the covers closer to my face. "They didn't have THIS cheese." He says as he waves the half eaten piece of camembert cheese in the air. "You went through her kitchen? When?" I ask in a curious tone. "While you were all sleeping." He said simply and ate the rest of the stinky cheese. I sigh and roll over. I finally know who is behind my masked lady.

Hey! Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm way too tired to edit this part. I hope you enjoy it!

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