Chapter 30: Mission

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Sunny's POV:



I turned around to face him.


"I have something to tell you."-Jungkook.

"What is it?"

"You know... I became an angel for a reason."-Jungkook.

"And what reason is that?"

"I have a mission. And there's only one person here in this world who can help me. The Almighty said that she's my first love."-Jungkook.

Hmm... who could his first love be?

"Then who's your so called first love then?"-I asked with a poker face.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Its you idiot."-Jungkook.

For real?!

"Are you serious?"

"I am."-Jungkook.

"Then.. whats your mission?"

"To give justice to my parent's death."-Jungkook.

I still feel sad about what happened to his parents.

"My parents always lived life to the fullest. They're the only couple I knew that never fought even once. They loved each other so much. They loved me so much since I'm their only son."-he smiled as he talks about his parents.

I just remained silent and listened to him.

"But... there was this guy who has grudge on my mom.."-Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV:



-7 PM-


I ran towards the door and opened it.

"Uhm... how may I help you?"-I asked the man.

I don't know him actually. Its my first time to see him.

"I'm looking for Lee Jung Min."-he said.

Why is he looking for my mom?

"Ohh wait a minuteMOM!"-I called mom.

"Mom? You mean you're her son?"-he asked.

I simply nodded.

A few seconds later mom came and she was surprised to see the man standing outside.

"What are you doing here?"-Mom asked him.

She pulled me closer.

Wait I'm confused.

"I'm here to get even. You killed my son right?"-the man said.

What? No I don't believe him!

"I said I didn't! Your son died because of Leukemia and not because I hit him with my car! He collapsed in the middle of the road!"-mom.

"What is going on here?"-dad.

He looked at the man standing outside and got the same reaction as mom.

"Ani! You killed him! Thats why I'm here to get even! You'll feel how its like to loose a son!"-the man yelled.

At that moment I was frightened... I was afraid that something bad may happen.

My dad quickly pushed me and mom inside the house. But just as he was about to go outside.... the man earlier barged into our house.

"Please! I'm begging you! Don't hurt my family---"-dad. He fell on the floor after receiving a punch from the man.

My mom quickly grabbed the vase and threw it to the guy. He fell on the floor and mom quickly went to help dad. I was frozen the whole time.

I never thought that this time would come... me and my parent's lives in danger.. its like I'm inside a nightmare.

"JUNGKOOK! RUN!"-Mom and dad said in chorus.

I snapped back to reality and run to hide in the small cabinet. I can still see my parents through the small hole.

I badly wanted to go out. But I saw the guy got up and pulled a gun. He pointed it to my mom.

"Where is your son?!"-he shouted.

"Don't hurt him! Just kill me!"-Mom.

"N-no.. please..."-I said as tears started to fall from my eyes.

I was completely shocked when I saw him shot both of my parents...

I saw both of them die...

Just because of a misunderstanding and because of that psycho, i never get to see my parents ever again..


I told Sunny everything...

I didn't even notice that tears were continuosly falling as I remember that memory....

Sunny's POV:

"Jungkookie... its ok... everthing's gonna be fine.."-I tried to comfort him.

Its my first time to see him cry..

I didn't hesitate to give him a hug.

"Shhh... I'll help you ok?"


"Have you forgotten that I'm your girlfriend at the same time your bestfriend? You should know that I'll always be here for you."

"I love you..."-Jungkook.

I smiled.

"I love you more."



~ g

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