Chapter 8 (I Can't Believe I Loved You)

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I would strongly request you have Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood on repeat for this chapter.

Ariana's POV:

I looked at the screen repeatedly to make sure I was looking at it correctly. No. They can't possibly be threatening and blackmailing Harry? This just isn't fair. Am I not allowed to be happy?

"Harry?" I said as I looked at him, teary eyed. I know that I barely knew this boy but they can't possibly be threatening to kill him? No. That's just disgusting. I knew very well that this was most likely the work of Nathan and his buddies.

A knock on the door interrupted us. "Guys? Are you in there?" Perrie's voice spoke up. I quickly unlocked the door. I knew I had to tell everyone. Right here. Right now. I made my way to where everyone was sitting.

"Everyone, I have to tell you something," I announced. Everyone's eyes were immediately on me. "M-m-my e-e-ex, Natha-a-an, just s-s-sent a text t-to Harry saying t-that he had to break up with me or something would happen to him. S-so we're going to have to break up. I think it's the best decision we can make." Everyone's mouth was open with shock.

"That bastard is blackmailing Harry?!" Liam raged. I just nodded, fearing that I wouldn't be able to finish a sentence without breaking.

Liam ran out of the door and Louis, Eleanor, Niall, and Zayn followed him, hot on his heels.

"This isn't going to be good. Here I'll take you guys to Zayn and I's." Perrie scrambled to grab her keys and purse.

Harry, Lacey, Perrie, and I followed. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I heard myself muttering involuntarily. Harry looked at me wide eyed.

"Babe..." he said outting his arms around me gently. Even though I would've been perfectly comfortable in his arms like this, I ripped his arms off me.

"GET YOUR ARMS OFF ME BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED BY THAT MANIAC." I screeched, not recognizing my own distorted, insane sounding voice. 

Lacey quickly pushed me into the car and at between Harry and I as he sat staring at the window, teardrops streaming down his face. A few minutes later we'd arrived. I opened the door and walked inside the house. I stopped at the door. 

"Perrie, where is the restroom." I asked urgently. She told me and I ran, not wanting to look back, in the direction of the bathroom. I opened the door, stepped in, and locked it behind me. I grabbed the nearest razor and broke it. 

"I'm sorry." 


"I will always love you." 


"I deserve to die"


"You'll always be too good for me." 

The pain felt good. It felt familiar. It reminded me of my younger years. 

I slashed at my wrist and pretty soon lost count.

I felt dizzy.

I know I'm not going to last a lot more time.

There was knock at the door. 

"Ariana? Are you in there? What's taking you so long?" Perrie's voice seeped into the room.

I didn't have the energy to answer. 

I was broken.

I was shattered.

I was gone.


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