The Wrong Band (Harry Styles / Ariana Grande)

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Ariana's POV

I stormed out of Nathan's house. We'd gotten in a fight once again. Yes, the all famous Nathan Sykes of The Wanted. While the fans always cooed over is being an adorable couple, I got to know the REAL side of him. The angry, hating, despicable side of him. It was terrible and I hated whenever we fought. Well, this was his last chance. And he crushed it.

"Wait!", came a shout behind me. It was Nathan, running after me, thinking he still had another chance. I stopped in my tracks.

"What the hell do you WANT, Nathan?", I shouted, expressing the anger that'd been welled up inside me since the first time we'd had a fight. "All you ever do is fight with me. What happened to the nice Nathan that used to take me on dates, cuddle, give me nicknames, what happened to all of that?", my voice was barely a whisper now. Before I have him the chance to explain, I got into my car and shut the door.

I'd already given him too many chances. I tried starting the car. It wouldn't start. Shit. I did the only thing I could. I got out of the car.... And ran. I kept running and running.

Pretty soon I'd reached a busy street. This was London so I don't quite know my way around here. I was focusing on the signs of the shops when I bumped into someone. Coffee went flying everywhere. Uh oh. This was going to be bad.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!", I squealed. I looked to see who it was. Oh. That's who it was... Well then... The famous singer in the boy band One Direction, the curly cutie, Harry Styles.

"Oh, hey! You're Ariana Grande, right?", he asked, looking quite excited.

"Uh...yeah... Do you need me to get you some more coffee? I'm so sorry.", I replied trying to steer away from the topic that I was famous.

"Oh no problem, love. Aren't you dating Nathan? From The Wanted?", he asked. What's up with all these questions? Sheesh...

"Umm not anymore. That's why I was here. We broke up and I ran away from his house and ended up here.", I explained, red creeping up on my face.

"Do you want to talk about it? Like I can take you for coffee," I looked up at him. "Not that way!", he almost yelled. Now it was his turn to turn red in the face. I started giggling.

"What's so funny?", a voice said behind me. Well then... Of it wasn't Harry's band mate, the blond bombshell, the Irish leprechaun, Niall Horan. "Oh hey. It's Ariana Grande!", he exclaimed. Then he whispered something in Harry's ear that I couldn't quite pick up. Harry immediately turned red.

"Shut up.", he muttered to Niall. Niall started laughing.

"Whatever you say, lover boy." Lover boy? I was so confused.

"Lover boy?" I asked, with a confused look on my face. Niall immediately started laughing again.

"Haha yeah. LOVER BOY.", Niall sang. I don't know how but Harry went an even deeper shade of red.

"Okay then...", I said, awkwardly.

"How about some Starbucks?", Harry asked, his face finally going back to its normal color.

"Yeah sure.", I said. We walked into Starbucks. I was still surprised no fans had seen us. We ordered and sat down.

"So Ariana, are you going to sing for us? From your new album, maybe?", Niall asked.

"Only if you guys sing on of your new songs from your new album.", I said, hopefully to make a deal.

"Deal.", said Harry.

And just then there was a flash. Crap. It was the paps.

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