Chapter 7 (Merry Christmas To Me)

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Ariana's POV

He was amazing. He was brilliant. He was mesmerizing. He was perfect. Harry Styles, to me, is the definition of perfect.

I felt guilty about all this because it'd only been awhile since I'd broken up with Nathan, but on stage, when Harry and I were both singing and dancing, I just couldn't help it.

It was after the concert now and the girls and I went into a separate room. Let's just say, I don't think that I was the only one thinking this about their guy.

"They're so sweet!" Lacey exclaimed.

There was a chorus of agreement.

"What now?" I said, unsure of what was next. I'd love to go out with him but did he want to go out with me?

"Well, two of them have some explaining and asking out to do." Eleanor said, smiling.

"I feel bad for Niall, though." Perrie mentioned.

"Well Demi couldn't make it because she's in a whole different country." I added.

"So are Liam and I like dating? Does he like me?" Lacey asked, confused as to what her relationship status was.

"The only way we can figure that out is if we ask them." Perrie said. And with that, we exited the room.

When we came out of the room we went to each of the boys as Niall was talking to someone who was making his cheeks tint a slight red color. I walked to Harry.

"Well..." I said as I looked at him, taking in his appearance. He was clearly caught off guard because he was shirtless and still had his jeans on.

"Uhm...Ariana...Will you go out with me?" he spoke quietly.

Before I could say anything I heard a loud 'YES!!" from Lacey. I looked back at Harry.

"Of course I will." I responded, pecking him on the lips.

Harry came in for a kiss. His lips molded into mine. Our lips moved in sync as we heard a round of wolf whistles and cat calls in the backround. Harry quickly detached himself from me and looked at our audience.

"That was steamy." Louis commented.

"I think you guys have a better show behind you." I said, pointing out Lacey and Liam basically eating each others' faces off.

Harry wolf whistled as I giggled. Lacey and Liam looked to see what the commotion was and both turned a beet color.

"Well I think we have two new couples to welcome to this group." Niall said. I noticed he was off the phone from Demi.

"How was your call with Demi?" I asked, taunting him.
Niall looked over to me.

"Well for your information that was Jade." he corrected me.

Jade? Like Jade Thirwall? As in from Little Mix?! I looked over at Perrie and sure enough she looked just as surprised as me.

"Merry Christmas!" Niall said. I knew that he knew he'd caught us off guard.

Perrie quickly got out her phone. After a while she out her phone to her ear.

"Hello? Jade? I have a question for you."
"Awwwe you guys are so cute!"
"Okay. I guess I'll see you there."
"Okay. Bye"
She put her phone down from her ear.

"It's been confirmed!" she shouted as the rest of the girls and I started cheering. I felt so happy for Niall!

"Um Ariana? Could you talk to me in private for a minute?" Harry spoke up.
I walked over to him and we walked to a different room.

"Yeah?" I asked, confused.

"I just got a text from an unknown number." he said. "And this is what it said."
He showed me the screen.

"Stay away from her or you'll die." it read. There was more. "And don't even try to take it as a joke."
Well so much for a merry Christmas.

Hello! I've decided to update pretty fast! I wanted so adventure and action in this so, here it is!





Next chapter will be 3+ votes :)

~manveer xx

The Wrong Band (Harry Styles / Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now