Chapter 3 (Collaborations?)

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Ariana's POV

It was the next morning. Already. The next morning. Plus it was a Monday. Like ew. No thank you. I awoke to an absolutely lovely message from my manager.

"Miss Grande, you have a meeting at 11am this morning. Please be ready to record and be on time."

I looked at the clock. It was already 10:25am. Oooppss... I got up and got ready. There wasn't any need to hurry anyway. It was only going to be my manager and I anyway.

I looked at my closet. I wasn't going to wear a lot today. I decided to wear a black, glittery tank top, skinny jeans, and some black glittery TOMS. I grabbed a cardigan just in case I got cold. I got ready and put on some light make up. It's not like there was anyone special there anyway.

There was a ride waiting for me when I got outside of the hotel I was staying at.

"Where to, Miss Grande?" he asked.

"The studios." I responded.

Those were the only words I'd spoken during the car ride. We'd reached the studios in 20 minutes. I checked the time in my phone. 11:45am. Wow. My manager was going to kill me. I walked inside. There were 7 sets of eyes on me. THAT'S LIKE 14 EYES! Anyway, I was mentally panicking. I thought that it was only going to be me and my manager...

"Ariana, I think you know who these boys are..." I didn't really pay attention to them before but now that my manager mentioned them, I looked at them.

One Direction. To be honest, they weren't that bad. "Hi guys," I said as I waved. They just sat there. "Aren't you guys going to introduce yourselves?" I asked.

"Sorry love," one of them apologized. I immediately recognized him. He was the one that Lacey had a crush on. "I'm Liam Payne." he introduced.

"Hi. I think you know me," said Blondy. Or Niall. But I preferred Blondy. Blondy's better. "Remember? Starbucks, paps, singing." he added.

"Oh hey! Yeah I remember you." I said.

"Hello. My name's Zayn," said Zayn. I knew who he was because of his fiancé. I absolutely loved Little Mix.

"Oh, hi! How's Perrie?" I asked immediately.

"She's well," he said with goofy smile on his face. I could tell he was lovestruck by Perrie. I mentally awed.

"Hi love. My name's Louis," said one. I recognized him as Eleanor Calder's boyfriend. I was good friends with her.

"Hi Louis! How's Eleanor? Can you tell her I said hi? And that I miss her?" I spoke.

"Uhm. Sure!" he replied.

"Hey, babe. I think we've already met," said Harry.

"Hey, Harold," I said.

"Don't call me that! That makes me sound like an old man or something," he complained.

"Okay, Harold." I said, giggling. He rolled his eyes.

"Alright guys, now that you guys have been introduced to each other, let's discuss this," said the man that I think is the guys' manager.

"So, why exactly are they here?" I asked. I was still confused as to why the biggest boy and in the world was in my recording studios.

"You guys are doing a collaboration," my manager explained. Before I could say anything the boys' manager spoke up.

"What exactly should they sing?"

"Maybe a sort of mashup of our songs?" I suggested. The managers seemed impressed by my suggestion.

"Okay. Let's do it. But the question is what songs?" my manager questioned. I thought about it.

"We'll do You and I," Liam decided.

"I'll do Right There," I added.

"That's perfect!" Their manager said.

"Well, let's get
started," my manager spoke.


(A/N) Well, as you guys can probably tell, this is my first fanfic I'm doing, so any advice, feedback, even criticism would be nice. :) Thanks. The actual recording will happen in the the next chapter so I will contain a lot of lyrics. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you guys like it, please vote and comment!

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